  • Oct 18, 2023

    Our modern life is precisely so bad, because we’ve more or less drank the koolaid on nihilism and no longer believe anything has a meaning or a raison d’etre or a purpose. Life is grey and without any substance for even most religious people. Explaining anything to anyone seems to be like reading a googled fact out loud that you don’t even care to remember. We don’t absorb new thoughts like we potentially could. We don’t look at new knowledge bright eyed and intuitively. We already automatically assume, most knowledge is not worth delving too deep into and don’t dare interact with ideas with anything more than the most superficial rationality. If any new information sparks you to engage it more intuitively or transformative we either shy away from it or demonize it into being fairytales and make-believe. We have all become apathetic to learning, to knowledge, to seeking out the truth and i mean the factual objective truth. Not something that you NEED to believe because someone said so. No, instead, to believe in something because every fiber of your body believes and can make an argument simply for why it exists. Is it possible to yearn for truth so deeply that you won’t stop at a dismissive doubt?

    And eventually, to believe in the knowledge so strongly that you can start to connect the dots and draw more parallels between seemingly disjointed and distant unrelated facts and events? The truth emerging by not only reason, but by the sheer power of coincidental occurrences. Like where are the great scientists of our age that make huge strides into a whole new undiscovered field of knowledge? Everything has become increasingly micro and niche. Nobody seems to think broad yet detailed enough to truly make sense of the world in our western context. We all just assume someone else will do the hard labor for us. Some scientist elsewhere, or some politician or philosopher perhaps. Some school teacher or curious kid. Who else is going to make sense of your very own existence and why you breathe air if you don’t stand up and start thinking about these things yourself?

    But i’ve been there and know the answer all too well myself, we don’t believe. We don’t even believe in ourselves and have completely given in to whatever…

    And another issue aside from indulging Nihilism is our western bias towards the mind. And the schism between the rational, thinking mind and the feeble, feeling body. Between rationality and experience/feelings. This big divide causes so much cognitive dissonance that it stops any curious inquirer from thinking farther ahead than his peers. The lack of creative resonance (“feeling you’re on the right track”) within oneself doesn’t allow for people to follow the flow of life through their bodies and minds instinctively. Strong men and women can act on a whim, because they know themselves and their surroundings without overthinking it. We’ve all basically became motionless heads-on-a-stick to the extreme, overly a***ytical, overly (self-)critical, such materialist beings that we can only account the feelings for pain and pleasure and not anything more sublime and enlightening that would allow us to change our perception of reality or even ourselves and smooth out our lifestyle.

    Any feelings are relegated to the nether regions of the stomach and the groin. Any problems are surpressed with more distractions. And any pending thought is solely dealt with rationally. At no point in time do these worlds collide, the mind and the body of modern people have become robotic apparatuses that transform information or food so that you can continue to live a humanoid lifestyle, but at no point do they offer you a meaningful life or do they merge together into you becoming the truest and most empowered version a human being can reach. The type of person we would love to meet or be around. We usually loathe others, because we hate ourselves, for what we have become, unwillingly. We have let ourselves down and dragged down the drain of dichotomous thinking. Of separating facts from fiction, without imagining what hidden facts could emerge if we keep pondering. We don’t feel what is good for us, we’ve lost touch with our bodies, are in bad physical shape and under or overeat for a plethora of reasons. All good reasons but none that make you feel reasons to be alive. Reasons to live and to experience. Experiences that are not just letters or videos on a screen. Experiences that are not just factual or seen in a waking state. Sleep is the cousin of death, but it could also be the reason you believe in more than this life. A glimpse into another world. A world that isn’t just material or factual or superficial or meaningless or scientific or political or dumb or stupid or hateful or terrifying or sad. Maybe you dream of better days already for yourself. But dreams have the magical ability to become reality when you start to overcome the stage of disbelief which holds you back from putting energy into motion. From moving mass and changing the state of something purely theoretical into the practical, as Einstein taught us. We might not have his genius but we can sure reach more euphoria by searching for truth than by watching p***, hooking up and silencing any raw thoughts

    To stop this subversive divide between the mind and the body, is to overcome the paradoxical thinking about life. The dichotomous modern person thinks merely in terms of facts and fiction, of programmed and deprogrammed. Of heroes and villains. Of true and false. Of real and unreal. Mind and body. Seperation is its ultimate outcome.

    Believe me, in contrast, there are so many signs pointing towards a timeless outlook in which everything unites into one big ever coalescing picture of eternal beauty and truth. True perfection is ofcourse never reached by imperfect beings, but it does exist. Its proofs are found everywhere if you simply ask the right questions. Meaning can be found in even the smallest, most unassuming places if you care to simply look for it. If you have even read this far, my hope is that you dare to live life from a more intuitive and holistic approach beyond the hypothetical and sullen theories passed as being our best source for truth.


  • Oct 18, 2023

    Your eyes are now fused with those fantastic lenses, and your sight is one with its object. And what exactly is that object? Obviously it is everything that fascinates, everything that has power over your gaze and your dreams. You cannot even conceive the wish to look away. And even if there are no simple images to see, nonetheless there is a vision of some kind, an infinite and overwhelming scene expanding before you. And the vastness of this scene is such that even the dazzling diffusion of all the known universes cannot convey its wonder. Everything is so brilliant, so great, and so alive: landscapes without end that are rolling with life, landscapes that are themselves alive. Unimaginable diversity of form and motion, design and dimension. And each detail is perfectly crystalline, from the mammoth shapes lurching in outline against endless horizons to the minutest cilia wriggling in an obscure oceanic niche. Even this is only a mere fragment of all that there is to see and to know. There are labyrinthine astronomies, discrete systems of living mass which yet are woven together by a complex of intersections, at points mingling in a way that mutually affects those systems involved, yielding instantaneous evolutions, constant transformations of both appearance and essence. You are witness to all that exists or ever could exist. And yet, somehow concealed in the shadows of all that you can see is something that is not yet visible, something that is beating like a thunderous pulse and promises still greater visions: all else is merely its membrane enclosing the ultimate thing waiting to be born, preparing for the cataclysm which will be both the beginning and the end. To behold the prelude to this event must be an experience of unbearable anticipation, so that hope and dread merge into a new emotion, one corresponding perfectly to the absolute and the wholly unknown. The next instant, it seems, will bring with it a revolution of all matter and energy. But the seconds keep passing, the experience grows more fascinating without fulfilling its portents, without extinguishing itself in revelation. And although the visions remain active inside you, deep in your blood-you now awaken

  • Oct 18, 2023
    2 replies

    Find god

  • Oct 18, 2023

    Find god

    I did alhamdulillah

  • Oct 18, 2023
    2 replies

    ”And another issue aside from indulging Nihilism is our western bias towards the mind. And the schism between the rational, thinking mind and the feeble, feeling body. Between rationality and experience/feelings. This big divide causes so much cognitive dissonance that it stops any curious inquirer from thinking farther ahead than his peers.”

    ya ive said this a couple million times to the e-nihilists/rationalists on here and i got called a schizophrenic

    good luck op

  • Oct 18, 2023

    ”And another issue aside from indulging Nihilism is our western bias towards the mind. And the schism between the rational, thinking mind and the feeble, feeling body. Between rationality and experience/feelings. This big divide causes so much cognitive dissonance that it stops any curious inquirer from thinking farther ahead than his peers.”

    ya ive said this a couple million times to the e-nihilists/rationalists on here and i got called a schizophrenic

    good luck op

    Yeah the western world has been struggling with dualism since its inception so it’s hard fought.

  • Oct 18, 2023

    Very good read, you have a good way of putting very specific thoughts and emotions into words. As sad as it may seem this is the way the world been moving for like a whole century now. As each new discovery makes life easier and more comfortable for the masses, the hunger and pain needed to accompany creativity in order to achieve any "EUREKA!" moment is gone. The main goal is no longer to tread new lands but moreso to be able to do things while you're in your comfort zone through VR or AI or whatever.

  • Oct 18, 2023
    2 replies

    Nihilism is dumb and reddit

  • Oct 18, 2023
    1 reply

    ive had a great time learning many things. this world has endless things to learn and create. if u cannot find yourself motivated or inspired u need to look deeper within instead of following others

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 18, 2023
    2 replies

    great post fr

    I am fundamentally a hero tho 💅 no villainy whatsoever

  • Oct 18, 2023

    ive had a great time learning many things. this world has endless things to learn and create. if u cannot find yourself motivated or inspired u need to look deeper within instead of following others

    I hear your point but i doubt we are referring to the same issue.

    I think learning a craft or an established science is very useful, but it barely scratches the surface of what i was getting at. You can be an amazing designer, racecar driver or a professor and still have a nihilistic outlook on life. The loss of meaning devoids much of what you learn and do of its true potential and color. I’m trying to argue we are wasting so many good opportunities to ever increase our search and thirst for knowledge and to live in accordance and resonate with our entire being to the truth. So much so that society starts having real rolemodels and changers of the paradigm.

    Even professors at universities are guilty of the same nihilistic outlook as your average person.

  • Nessy 🦎
    Oct 18, 2023
    1 reply

    nietzsche warned us

  • Oct 18, 2023

    chatGPT post😂

  • Oct 18, 2023
    2 replies

    Sorry op not reading all that

  • Oct 18, 2023
    Zach LaBeam

    Sorry op not reading all that

    All gucci 🤝

  • Oct 18, 2023

    I didn't know you were capable of this be2

    Oct 18, 2023
    Skinn Foley

    Nihilism is dumb and reddit

    true nihilism is interesting. them reddit mfs be faking they raps

  • Oct 18, 2023

    internets fault

  • Oct 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Not gonna read

    Eat or be eaten (pause) fr though

  • Oct 18, 2023

    Man, I just wanna to be able to afford groceries and have healthcare.

  • Oct 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Some jordan Peterson type shii

  • Oct 18, 2023

    Some jordan Peterson type shii

    I promise you i was not crying while writing this

  • Oct 18, 2023
    3 replies

    people itt rushing to say "didn't read" are just proving op's point LMAO

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 18, 2023

    people itt rushing to say "didn't read" are just proving op's point LMAO

    and that's all gucci
