Sonic > Mario til about the mid 2000s
would still rather go back and play any of the classic sonic games over the old mario games.
Super Mario 64 isn’t the best Mario platformer. Nostalgia be blinding people
1. Odyssey
2. Galaxy 2
3. Sunshine
4. Galaxy 1
5. 64
Oot is overrated, MM is more better.
GTA 4 is the best GTA
Doom 2016 is the best Doom
Okami is f***ing boring
Dark Souls 3 is peak Souls
Bro Nu Doom is your favorite doom?
DBZ tenchaiichidhsjd or however it’s spelled is vastly overrated. The camera was the worst, fighting mechanics were nowhere as fluid as Infinite World.
GTA V story was really lame.
Tbh. I've started it twice and still havent finished it. Pls no spoilers :ninja:
Tbh. I've started it twice and still havent finished it. Pls no spoilers :ninja:
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