Title says it all, who wins between these two heavyweights, the old school classic White Album or the new school classic Views
White Album:
Best Tracks:
1. Back in the USSR
2. Helter Skelter
3. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
4. Blackbird
Worst Tracks:
1. Why don't we do it in the road
2. Revolution 1
Best Tracks:
1. Weston Road Flows
2. Redemption
3. Still Here
4. 9
Worst Tracks:
1. That weird intro song
2. The cheesecake factory song
What do we think KTT?
white album
only good song on Views is Feel No Ways
One of these is an overrated album from one of the most overhyped, mellowed down artists of all time. The other is a certified classic that will be discussed for generations to come
It’s Views obviously
"I told you 'bout the fool on the hill
I tell you, man, he living there still"
White Album ofc lol