Alright, I'm gonna start Breaking Bad once BCS ends
Going straight BB then BCS
11 seasons and a movie
Am I in for a ride?
Best tv oat
Alright, I'm gonna start Breaking Bad once BCS ends
Going straight BB then BCS
11 seasons and a movie
Am I in for a ride?
You’re gonna never want it to end
Nope I haven't seen either, idk why just never got to them
I'm about to finish a series this weekend so it lines up lmao
Idk how anyone has avoided watching BB by now
Love BB, haven't had the interest to watch BCS. Can someone summarize why they love it, maybe it will give me a kick to finally watch it.
Love BB, haven't had the interest to watch BCS. Can someone summarize why they love it, maybe it will give me a kick to finally watch it.
The best character development in the history of television.
Love BB, haven't had the interest to watch BCS. Can someone summarize why they love it, maybe it will give me a kick to finally watch it.
writing and character development top notch
Apple TV it's time to snag a big one
They’re gonna be the home of kino originals
Love BB, haven't had the interest to watch BCS. Can someone summarize why they love it, maybe it will give me a kick to finally watch it.
Cmon now
They’re gonna be the home of kino originals
Yup their library two years from now will be elite. It already is really solid rn
Yup their library two years from now will be elite. It already is really solid rn
I’m definitely excited for their future especially since WB/hbo are focusing on only big budget s*** now
we already have that
it’s called Better Call Saul
Nah that’s Peter’s baby more then it is Vince’s
For my next show, I’d like the lead character to be an old-fashioned hero, an old-fashioned good guy. Jim Rockford is kind of rough around the edges, but he always does the right thing. Fifteen years ago, when I was conceiving of Walter White, I looked around and thought, Well, what is current TV? It’s mostly good guys. But now I’m looking around, thinking, Gee, there’s an awful lot of bad guys on TV, and not just on shows but on the news. It feels like a world of s***heels now, both in fiction and in real life. I think it’s probably time again for a character who doesn’t go for the easy money. I’d be very happy if I could write a more old-fashioned hero, someone who is not out for themselves at every turn.
For my next show, I’d like the lead character to be an old-fashioned hero, an old-fashioned good guy. Jim Rockford is kind of rough around the edges, but he always does the right thing. Fifteen years ago, when I was conceiving of Walter White, I looked around and thought, Well, what is current TV? It’s mostly good guys. But now I’m looking around, thinking, Gee, there’s an awful lot of bad guys on TV, and not just on shows but on the news. It feels like a world of s***heels now, both in fiction and in real life. I think it’s probably time again for a character who doesn’t go for the easy money. I’d be very happy if I could write a more old-fashioned hero, someone who is not out for themselves at every turn.
We about to eat
For my next show, I’d like the lead character to be an old-fashioned hero, an old-fashioned good guy. Jim Rockford is kind of rough around the edges, but he always does the right thing. Fifteen years ago, when I was conceiving of Walter White, I looked around and thought, Well, what is current TV? It’s mostly good guys. But now I’m looking around, thinking, Gee, there’s an awful lot of bad guys on TV, and not just on shows but on the news. It feels like a world of s***heels now, both in fiction and in real life. I think it’s probably time again for a character who doesn’t go for the easy money. I’d be very happy if I could write a more old-fashioned hero, someone who is not out for themselves at every turn.
I really really love that Vince is always going against the grain
He really knows how to create new waves that others end up following