Hey, i'm testing out a social media site that let's you catalog all your records and import from discogs to make it easier. It has a community blog and forum. I would love some feedback if it seems useful to you. The social media aspect is still being built out but i want to know what else people would like from an app like this. It also lets you track record plays and gives some stats. It works best on a desktop right now. Still working on the mobile design. vinyl-vault2-9f1d231ba3b1.herokuapp.com
Anybody got a vinyl of blonde to send me?
Hey, i'm testing out a social media site that let's you catalog all your records and import from discogs to make it easier. It has a community blog and forum. I would love some feedback if it seems useful to you. The social media aspect is still being built out but i want to know what else people would like from an app like this. It also lets you track record plays and gives some stats. It works best on a desktop right now. Still working on the mobile design. https://vinyl-vault2-9f1d231ba3b1.herokuapp.com/
Ngl you need to figure out how to integrate blockchain tech in this. Specifically Base Eth. They have a huge grant program.