Ok which one of you did this
this is a hilarious writeup
Was just thinking about this thread but didn't remember what it was about exactly so thanks for this @op
Ain't no way this c*** shouted out the Manchester United thread over the Arsenal thread..
"kanyetothe is the largest Hip-Hop forum on the internet. Created in 2007 to discuss then (at least in comparison to today’s Christian-Genuis-Billionaire) up-and-coming artist Kanye West. Since then, the forum has expanded; there’s everything from a 1233-page thread on Manchester United to a 62-page thread just on Palace Skateboards."
Thanks for the gold kind stranger
"Sammak the b****? I hardly Noah" I think I wrote that s***
The nerds at reddit are a***yzing and making write ups about your s***posts
Another time, ‘Guest’ saw somebody else using the forum in their university's library (the G&G section no less!). He snuck a picture and asked the forum what to do. After being laughed at for not saying something in person and facing endless “white” accusations, ‘Ben The Kid’, the subject of the photo, enters the thread. They made arrangements to fight, with Guest informing Ben he was on floor 3 of the library wearing LuluLemon. They exchanged heated words for 91 pages, before both backing down. Ben The Kid’s post history was examined and found to contain him dropping N bombs like he was auditioning for a Tarintino film. He was forced to leave the site, disgraced.