Vote Biden

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  • The Republicans have laid out convicted criminal Donald Trump as their best and brightest, with a favorite pastime of trying to overturn elections. On the flip side, President Biden enjoys checks notes ice cream and cars.

    Now THAT is someone I want to have a beer with.

    Joe Biden is every kids dream “cool grandpa”. He’s cool, in touch with modern culture, but not enough to where he loses that old man charm. He would 100% let you eat ice cream for breakfast.

    President Biden takes his time in crowds, taking selfies with people my age, kissing babies on the head, and dishing out funny - yet respectful- retorts to hecklers.

    He simply has it, as my generation says. President Biden is naturally good in crowds, has hobbies that don’t involve killing democracy, and is genuinely a good person.

    I don’t have an official Drink Test Report Card, but President Biden passes with flying colors. Policy is the core of politics, but it is undeniable that the person behind the policy matters

    Politics aside, I’ll take the cool grandpa who loves ice cream, corvettes, and spending time with folks over the narcissist who can’t seem to stop breaking the law.

  • Aug 26, 2023
  • Aug 26, 2023
    1 reply

    I am voting Biden on the basis of preserving Democracy

  • Aug 26, 2023
    1 reply

    Imagine not voting trump #communism

  • Aug 26, 2023

    I know ChatGPT when I see it

  • Aug 26, 2023

  • Aug 26, 2023
    1 reply

    Biden is a moron

  • Aug 26, 2023
    krishna bound

    Imagine not voting trump #communism

  • Aug 26, 2023

    Thread title got me like

  • Aug 26, 2023
    internet buddy

    Biden is a moron

    Now that's a moron I'd love to have a beer with!!!

  • Aug 26, 2023
    1 reply

    The dems seem to be lining up Newsom as their next candidate, all they have to do is run next election with him as VP. They don’t need Kamala for the women/black vote, ROE already gives them all the women and if ‘you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me’ didn’t dissuade the black vote then it’s locked up. Newsom gives you a younger VP you wouldn’t mind being president if something happens to Biden and that would lock him up next election as an incumbent. Honestly Democrats would have to f***ing moronic not to lock up at least the next 2-3 elections.

  • Aug 26, 2023
    1 reply

    The dems seem to be lining up Newsom as their next candidate, all they have to do is run next election with him as VP. They don’t need Kamala for the women/black vote, ROE already gives them all the women and if ‘you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me’ didn’t dissuade the black vote then it’s locked up. Newsom gives you a younger VP you wouldn’t mind being president if something happens to Biden and that would lock him up next election as an incumbent. Honestly Democrats would have to f***ing moronic not to lock up at least the next 2-3 elections.

    Newsom is GOATED. Bro is always s*** talking Republicans governors on Twitter

  • figgy 🏄‍♂️
    Aug 26, 2023
    Shin Chan

    Newsom is GOATED. Bro is always s*** talking Republicans governors on Twitter

    newsom f***ing blows, him dunking on idiots on twitter doesn't make him a good governor

  • Aug 26, 2023

    Before i vote Biden i will give you the pin to my amex. Alright.

  • Aug 26, 2023

    Down with all them crackers tbh

  • Aug 26, 2023

    I’m voting for chatGPT

  • Aug 26, 2023

    We can't escape this neoliberal hellscape anytime soon anyway, so I f*** with Biden.

    Trump a funny nigga tho lmao

  • Aug 26, 2023

    I hope both get locked up so both parties may be forced to put up someone with a pulse

  • Aug 26, 2023
    3 replies

    I f*** wit Trump after seeing him ice grillin in that mugshot. He really was the first black president as far as im concerned

  • Sep 5, 2023

    I agree

    We can turn Biden into a socialist if we vote down the line for the Working Families Party where possible and vote Democrat wherever it is not possible.

  • Name

    I am voting Biden on the basis of preserving Democracy

  • Sep 5, 2023

    I f*** wit Trump after seeing him ice grillin in that mugshot. He really was the first black president as far as im concerned

    A black man cant do all that s*** he does and get away w it

  • Sep 5, 2023
    1 reply

    I hope Biden dies of Covid and they pick a new runner to take the place

  • Sep 5, 2023

  • Sep 6, 2023
    3 replies

    I hope Biden dies of Covid and they pick a new runner to take the place

    It'll just be Harris-Buttigieg lmao