Lmaooo im dying rn. started comparing em in garageband and idk what happened
anyway idc about the ai s*** lmaoo
How you feeling about vultures 2
Slide, Time Moving Slow, River, Promotion, Lifestyle, Forever Rolling, Dead all clear anything on Vultures 1 for me. It sucks that the unfinished sections are so atrocious that they overshadow. Hopefully somebody can fix 530, Sky City and a couple others asap.
so you dont think its ai
Nigga he just said inconclusive which I’ve been saying all day it’s a possibility but stop running around saying something is 100%
It’s okay to say you think something is ai it’s not okay to imply your opinion is 100% true
idk i separated the vocals and put cyhi in one channel and ye in the other
sounds like they're the same at first but then i alternated between the word out bc its v diff imo
v inconclusive imo.