i just tried album ranking for almost half an hour until i realized that it is impossible for me. but the top 3 is clear. I have been a fan for 17-18 years now btw,
so Vultures and CD in my top3 makes me feel good and complete for some reason lol
It's definitely hard to rank them since certain songs/albums stick out to you when you in different moods or like if certain songs stuck out in some specific moments of your life
hey ktt2 fam! what do you all think of my rendition of bumb j's verse on vultures the song? does anyone want to add the lil druk or maybe Ye's verse? or even Ty$'s verse?
nice job
nice job
Just waiting for other members to do there verses to complete the vultures (ktt2 version)
They saying if you play this vid and listen all the way through your brain unlocks viltures 2
Just waiting for other members to do there verses to complete the vultures (ktt2 version)
Need a high pitch white dude to handle Ty's verse
She snortin this P out the D
She want me to put some of this coke in her butt...
Big bootie b****e I kno who paid for it
Small Bootie b****, but I'm ok with it
The gall of this TMZ article:
Lists all of Ye's indiscretions over the last year (WLM shirt,Alex Jones interview,Twitter rants etc) --Then proceeds to frame Diddy as the aggrieved party extending a peace offering (No mention of Diddy's MANY lawsuits btw)
Seems Diddy turned up to the set,mid-performance,unbeknownst to Ye and was stood at the cordoned VIP/celeb area
@op you're great and all but why did you make a thread for a fictional album?
Gotta know what puts Vultures in ur top 3. Like I'm not even a big early Ye guy but you really like this more than like Late Registration? Yeezus?
Not even coming at u that's just a crazy pick imo
I think it's a vibe, extremely fun and liberating album. my girlfriend and I have been listening to this album a lot every day since it came out and we sing along loudly lol, King plays at least 3-5 times in a row every time. i think on some level we feel the same comeback "fuck you" that kanye talked about in the interview. of course, it is possible that we are in a prisoner of the moment situation and the situation may be different in 1 year. I've had similar experiences with his other albums before when they came out, but never like this. see how it can withstand time tho
Bro thinks he's on the team...
Difference between this Kanye's flow and current is meme worthy
If he used this exact flow right now people will call it “struggle rapping”