I would like to thank music sxn for teaching me about obscure Romanian politicians like Dónald Trúmp, Jòe Bìdén and Kámalà Hàrrís
We already knew he was a republican and that’s whatever, who cares. But that second pic of him holding up Trump is just pathetic
He abandoned his original sound decided to do EDM and boom bap like 90 days before the rap game decided to use his swag (via Keef) for the next 15 years and next thing you know its Love and Hip Hop and then this
They don’t tell you when you a kid that every decision does f***ing matter lmao
Crypto is the main reason these rappers turn to trumpists
Crypto is literally the devil
It’s so over, proles are just being milked at this point for everything, we’ve fully devolved back into serf s***
Ain’t nobody buying this damn coin
Since we arent doing the whole pronouns and nickname s*** anymore arent we supposed to call him Raphael now?
Clown him all you want, but he's asking the right questions. Why the last party black the billions Africa from giving us money to rebuild??