I'm convinced these movies are tied at the hip in being disaster films commenting on post-9/11 America. Both invoke terrorism directly in dialogue. Tom and the kids map perfectly onto the group from Signs right down to Mel also being a crazy Catholic irl. Abigail Breslin and Dakota Fanning were interchangeable. Spielberg and Shyamalan are in dialogue here.
War of the Worlds is Spielberg's reaction to 9/11 encouraging assimilation by means of contact, cultural exchange, and free trade. The work at the shipping yard to open the film invokes this, and the circulation of bacteria passively ends the alien attempt to colonize the world. It's a weird role reversal, and Spielberg fails to humanize the aliens despite trying in a few scenes towards the end.
The Happening says wait a minute, why does this stuff happen at all? Rather than prescribe a solution, he asks humanity to take some culpability in causing it. The scene at the model house where everything is fake and made of plastic points to absurd, unsustainable consumption. People split apart and isolate themselves to survive, but they've got to learn how to trust and understand one another eventually. That's the only way to move forward.
Children of Men (2006), the best version
World War Z (2013), the worst version
War of the world is actually a good time
I had way more fun rewatching Happening.
War of the Worlds is better but it's so intense. Bad ending too.
I had way more fun rewatching Happening.
War of the Worlds is better but it's so intense. Bad ending too.
Your wired different then me man. I can never get through the happening. For me intense = fun/good time.
Your wired different then me man. I can never get through the happening. For me intense = fun/good time.
I mean that screengrab up top is referencing Jews hiding during WWII. Cruise and his kids have some heavy family drama. Tim Robbins murder.
Anytime The Happening gets dark I'm just like "oh f***, i forgot I was supposed to take this seriously'.
I want my blockbuster to have some contrast. War of the Worlds is a better movie tho. Happening requires a sense of irony to enjoy fully
never saw the happening but i thought war of the worlds was dope af when i saw it as a kid
never saw the happening but i thought war of the worlds was dope af when i saw it as a kid
the rittenhouse square scene is lowkey legendary
war of the worlds is pretty great. so yea, that one
War of the world is actually a good time
The Happening is a good time too if you’re in the mood for unintentional comedy
Happening was one of the first "funny bad" movies I remember seeing in high school
After opening my kino eye tho, I like it quite a bit. The elevated reality of it mixed with the premise is crazy
War of the worlds is awesome. I still remember seeing that in the theater in 2005 when it came out. So I have nostalgia for it as well.