Lupe too
Yea but Lupe underground and foreal woke not fake woke. Ye the only mainstream celebrity.
Just the only one willing to speak on it, same way he seems to be the only one willing to speak in favor of Trump.
Just the only one willing to speak on it, same way he seems to be the only one willing to speak in favor of Trump.
kanye was in shambles when obama called him a jackass lol
Yeah as long you’re not a f***ing idiot it was pretty easy to see through Obama’s bullshit.
You actually have to do the reverse with Trump. Whereas with Obama, you liked him from the start, and you had to look 7 layers deep to realize he was s***. With Trump, you think he’s s*** at first, and then a simple deeper look (and not being a f***ing idiot of course) will allow you to like him and what he’s about.
Yeah as long you’re not a f***ing idiot it was pretty easy to see through Obama’s bullshit.
You actually have to do the reverse with Trump. Whereas with Obama, you liked him from the start, and you had to look 7 layers deep to realize he was s***. With Trump, you think he’s s*** at first, and then a simple deeper look (and not being a f***ing idiot of course) will allow you to like him and what he’s about.
Idk how to post avi’s but imagine my avi as my comment
no. all he said was something along the lines of "obama never did anything for chicago". he never substantively criticized obama, just like he never substantively praised trump.
there are a f***ing million issues to criticize obama on, but it's no surprise kanye never touched on any of them because on every one of them trump is even worse. as ye said on kimmel, his endorsement of trump wasn't about policy, and neither were his criticisms of obama. so no, he didn't see through any of obama's actual bullshit, just talked slightly negative about him in very vague terms.
Nah. And this is one of the worst pro-kanye things I've ever heard.
Kanye's dislike of Obama is purely personal. Kanye always hated the fact that Obama never gave him the attention he wanted him to. Has 0 to do with Obamas "bullshit".
Still, even if he did see through it, it'd be dumb to say this is part of what makes him so important to the culture because he's been d***riding the BIGGEST bullshitter of a president we've ever had for years.
Just the only one willing to speak on it, same way he seems to be the only one willing to speak in favor of Trump.
Yeah but criticizing Obama is a correct take, going for Trump is not (at this moment, glad he stopped)
that man played too much politics and pandering
all the way down to his annoying ass playlists that people give so much attention to
Yeah as long you’re not a f***ing idiot it was pretty easy to see through Obama’s bullshit.
You actually have to do the reverse with Trump. Whereas with Obama, you liked him from the start, and you had to look 7 layers deep to realize he was s***. With Trump, you think he’s s*** at first, and then a simple deeper look (and not being a f***ing idiot of course) will allow you to like him and what he’s about.
why continue to s*** post like this
Yeah but criticizing Obama is a correct take, going for Trump is not (at this moment, glad he stopped)
Who are you to decide what is a correct take? Nothing wrong with liking trump because he speaks his mind and broke previously assumed boundaries of who can become president (things Kanye also is known for)
Who are you to decide what is a correct take? Nothing wrong with liking trump because he speaks his mind and broke previously assumed boundaries of who can become president (things Kanye also is known for)
because dude is a f***ing hack, that's why lmao
don't you have f***ing ears and eyes?
Kanye would have abolished ICE ages ago dude, any people with a brain would
because dude is a f***ing hack, that's why lmao
don't you have f***ing ears and eyes?
Kanye would have abolished ICE ages ago dude, any people with a brain would
Abolished ICE?
Please seek help
J Cole on Be Free
Lupe was definitely first "Gaza strip was getting bombed, Obama didn't say s***. That's why I didn't vote for him, next one either"
Cole did say in a track (blanking on which atm) that he was asked to promote voting for Obama, but he saw through the script. But in High for Hours he bought in to the bs Obama sells...most of us were conned on that one so I can't blame him fr