  • Uzi spends like 4 minutes making a five minute song and y'all eat it up while he laughs to the bank

  • May 29, 2020
    1 reply

    ok so lets see u do better buddy

    go get all the beats from EA on youtube and record a tape better than uzi

    There are already good albums with working on Dying beats. They just happen to be made by people who care about their music

  • May 29, 2020
    1 reply
    Never posting agai

    There are already good albums with working on Dying beats. They just happen to be made by people who care about their music

    you skipped over what i said bro

    if the homeless dude down the street can do better then uzi then why cant u ??

  • Uzi makes the same music y'all clown Eminem for now

  • May 29, 2020
    1 reply

    you skipped over what i said bro

    if the homeless dude down the street can do better then uzi then why cant u ??

    1. I said the same music. Cuz anyone can rap fast about nothing

    2. Trying to make this your point shows a comprehension of logic equivalent to that of a small child and justifies any low intelligence related reason for your cap for 2020 uzi. Dude sucks, doesn't care about music, and is using people like you to stay rich with no effort or originality. His work is devoid of even a sliver of creativity and detrimental to popular music and it's consumption

  • May 29, 2020
    Never posting agai

    Y'all are so proud of your s*** taste. Album was an absolute slap in the face to anyone that actually liked lil Uzi. You probably fell for so much fun and asstroworld too

    so much fun is a 10/10 and i dont really care for travis that much

    eternal atake is a legitimate hip hop classic. prob top 10 album ever.

  • May 29, 2020
    Never posting agai

    1. I said the same music. Cuz anyone can rap fast about nothing

    2. Trying to make this your point shows a comprehension of logic equivalent to that of a small child and justifies any low intelligence related reason for your cap for 2020 uzi. Dude sucks, doesn't care about music, and is using people like you to stay rich with no effort or originality. His work is devoid of even a sliver of creativity and detrimental to popular music and it's consumption

    sounds like ur jealous to me bud

    getcha some money instead of crying ab ppl enjoying s*** online weirdo

  • May 29, 2020
    1 reply
    Never posting agai

    U can't be serious. Eternal Atake one of the worst waste of beats of all time. Uzi did nothing on that album the homeless guy downtown couldn't do. Haven't even heard Uzi fans irl playing that s***

    man go back 2 watching lacrosse , uzi clearly dont make music 4 u

  • May 29, 2020

    cognitive dissonance

    Maybe if he had a history of being emo but the only songs where he’s close to being emo are Xo Tour and Scott & Romona.

  • mildredpierce

    man go back 2 watching lacrosse , uzi clearly dont make music 4 u

    U right Uzi makes boring music for boring people now