  • Oct 7, 2023

    So I was reading a /mu/ thread of all things that was posted on KTT2:
    And between the racist nonsense this reply stuck out to me:
    "lo-fi hiphop was the warning sign of rap's impending death. lo-fi hiphop is the smooth jazz of rap music. it was over when that became popular"
    This is a pretty interesting point and not one I'd heard before. Pages like 'Lo-fi hip-hop to study to' were a huge but understated part of gentrifying and marketing hip-hop to a wider audience.

  • Oct 7, 2023
    1 reply

    this is a thousand times worse than a twitter thread

    we got 4chan threads now

  • Oct 7, 2023
    3 replies

    1. Reminder there’s lofi hip hop that’s actually good and creative (Nujabes, Fat Jon, etc) and a lot of lofi hip hop producers genuinely want to just make pretty music.

    2. I don’t see how 24 hours lofi hip hop videos on YouTube have someone affected hip hop as a whole? Seem like harmless background music? The only mainstream artist I can think of using them is XXXTENTACION and those songs were great.

    3. Hip hop was gentrified decades ago. Taking you back 10 years and it was “trap music” (meaning bass music, EDM) and artists like Miley Cyrus twerking and using rap imagery. 20 years ago it was rappers acting like gangsters because of 50 Cent. I’m less familiar with what happened before that but as usual, these miserable 4chan nerds are ignorant and bullshitting.

  • Oct 7, 2023

    1. Reminder there’s lofi hip hop that’s actually good and creative (Nujabes, Fat Jon, etc) and a lot of lofi hip hop producers genuinely want to just make pretty music.

    2. I don’t see how 24 hours lofi hip hop videos on YouTube have someone affected hip hop as a whole? Seem like harmless background music? The only mainstream artist I can think of using them is XXXTENTACION and those songs were great.

    3. Hip hop was gentrified decades ago. Taking you back 10 years and it was “trap music” (meaning bass music, EDM) and artists like Miley Cyrus twerking and using rap imagery. 20 years ago it was rappers acting like gangsters because of 50 Cent. I’m less familiar with what happened before that but as usual, these miserable 4chan nerds are ignorant and bullshitting.

    Re 1. did Nujabes ever identify as a "lo-fi hip-hop" artist specifically? I thought the label was a fairly recent invention and was only ever applied to artists like him retroactively

    Re 2. I personally know quite a few people who got into rap through Lo-fi hip-hop and their taste tends to be s***. I think when your first introduction to hip-hop is background music, that's going to negatively effect your view of the genre, its possibilities, and what you want to see from it

    And for 3, gentrification happens in waves. Just because hip-hop was already in the process of being gentrified before lo-fi hip-hop became popular, doesn't mean lo-fi hip-hop can't also have played a role. Ignore my title about it being the 'first sign' that's just clickbait

  • Oct 7, 2023

    Absolutely not but lofi hip hop sucks

    Dilla, Nujabes, Madlib and any producer from the 90s are not “Lo-fi hip hop” producers

  • Oct 7, 2023
    1 reply

    Will cry and b**** over something ye do or say to the point where you won’t even have his image on the site yet you guys will keep 4chan thread/topics up?

    Not surprised, mate.

  • Oct 7, 2023

    lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to is my favorite artist.

  • Oct 7, 2023

    Shut the f*** up man

  • Idk anybody personally that got into rap thru lofi. Hip hop ain’t a trend it’s a lifestyle. Just like rockers, headbangers, etc

  • Oct 7, 2023

    it all started with Some Raps Songs

  • Oct 7, 2023
    back 2 black

    this is a thousand times worse than a twitter thread

    we got 4chan threads now

  • Oct 7, 2023

    1. Reminder there’s lofi hip hop that’s actually good and creative (Nujabes, Fat Jon, etc) and a lot of lofi hip hop producers genuinely want to just make pretty music.

    2. I don’t see how 24 hours lofi hip hop videos on YouTube have someone affected hip hop as a whole? Seem like harmless background music? The only mainstream artist I can think of using them is XXXTENTACION and those songs were great.

    3. Hip hop was gentrified decades ago. Taking you back 10 years and it was “trap music” (meaning bass music, EDM) and artists like Miley Cyrus twerking and using rap imagery. 20 years ago it was rappers acting like gangsters because of 50 Cent. I’m less familiar with what happened before that but as usual, these miserable 4chan nerds are ignorant and bullshitting.

    before gangster rap it was actually MC hammer, he was recognized as the first “sellout” in rap because of Can’t touch this

  • Oct 7, 2023

  • Oct 7, 2023

    literally a sign of hip hop expanding, not ‘dying’ lmao

  • Oct 7, 2023

    It’s so harmless so no

  • Oct 7, 2023

    Damn ya make so much "hip hop is dead" on here, to the point ya got 4chan cosign ya

  • Oct 7, 2023

    Na it was when trap took over in around 2014. We were going in the direction of Yeezus, NWTS, TPAB. Trap blew up and everybody followed that sound.

  • Oct 7, 2023

    Lofi is amazing idgaf what anyone says

  • Oct 7, 2023

    it’s okay to like music

  • Oct 7, 2023

    lofi hip hop in its current form is hardly lofi and barely hip hop

  • Oct 7, 2023

    Pretending like hip hop is "dead" when so many of these country songs that are popular have such a heavy hip hop influence is asinine.

  • Oct 7, 2023
    1 reply

    can we ban hip hop is dead threads

  • Oct 7, 2023

    can we ban hip hop is dead threads

  • Oct 7, 2023

    Lofi hip hop rules and hip hop isn’t dead you losers need to go outside

  • Oct 8, 2023

    Was listening to Boyz ii Men and came across this wtf