4 mi eye wud prob say k!d cudi
eye member back in lyke 09 every1 luv his tunez nd now every1 hating
same with young scooter
thi gimic ben yoused
def cudi, he was universally loved until recently it became the thing to dunk on him, reasonably so at times
where you at on the internet that niggas be talkin bout scooter enough for you to come to this conclusion
they cant just ban you
they gotta kill op at this point
these threads deserve capital punishment
where you at on the internet that niggas be talkin bout scooter enough for you to come to this conclusion
awge forum
Come back when you get a better gimmick man
its da 4th of da July
don't wanna talk to n.e four-in--ers
pls try anotha day