I'll make the official thread when the first single is on Spotify more than likely later this month or next month, but this is to show those few interest yes im still working. Those that remember I was originally going to do an Instrumental concept album last year but things changed and my old laptop got destroyed.
Well now I'm doing an official full album. Not just beat or instrumentals.
Heres some previews of songs and Animation testing for them:
The project is called The Future is Forever and ive been making it in Arizona and California for nearly a year and a half. 10 to 12 songs. Final mix is later this month. The coverart and more will shown in official thread that I'll do this or next month.
Hope you guys are interested in what you hear.
And yes, for those few that knew and were interested in the last project, some stuff is being slavaged and restructured for this. I want two instrumental interludes which will be used from it.
And yes this is really me, for those that remeber when I used to have my actual self as my avi:
Everything might be on Apple Music as well, no promises but im trying to push for it
Spotify Is already guaranteed
And of course i will also have it on YouTube and Bandcamp for the YT and Bancamp independent support fam
The visualizer for the first song is almost done - its amazing how hard n tedious it is to fill up 3mins i do not envy music video directors or video editors
In Arizona
The visualizer for the first song is almost done - its amazing how hard n tedious it is to fill up 3mins i do not envy music video directors or video editors
In Arizona
What program do you use for your animation?
What program do you use for your animation?
Blender & Zbrush
I dont do models from scratch, well most - i get them from people that do them online n irl.
Then i do the directing, coloring & editing, lighting & rendring myself and i have some friends i get inputs and thoughts on.
And theres people i know that i ask how to do this or that plus youtube & self learning.
The people are people I know from California and Arizona which are two states i frequent a lot.
Ive been doing blender stuff since 2020 or 2021 - im also pretty decent at graphics design which you guys will see in main official thread when the first song is ready to go. And again i get help and assets from people when needed.
The cars one is a visualizer for the first song called No More Traffic - which the Lambo vid in op is an early rendering of and its almost done.
Then theres a animated music video for the 2nd or 3rd song called Identity Theft Me. The proof of concept in the op of the other video. Its still early but the storyboard and concept is finalized and the first few scenes.
Then im doing a bunch of simple animations for youtube shorts, ig reels and tiktok uploads for basically almost every song on the album damn near that will come out over multiple months as the main promo and attention.
Blender is for animating and scene set up while Zbrush is for editing and making models.
Blender is free (and professional) while zbrush costs (and is also professional). Blender you can also model in but its way more convoluted and not natural. Its more for animating and renders, but you can make do if you really want. Its just totally not intuitive at all and a big learning curve, which i did learn to a degree of what i basically need right away.
This thread is basically an update and behind the scenes thread until the main official is ready to go
I did the same with my conceptual instrumental album that i had to sadly scrap before this
Blender & Zbrush
I dont do models from scratch, well most - i get them from people that do them online n irl.
Then i do the directing, coloring & editing, lighting & rendring myself and i have some friends i get inputs and thoughts on.
And theres people i know that i ask how to do this or that plus youtube & self learning.
The people are people I know from California and Arizona which are two states i frequent a lot.
Ive been doing blender stuff since 2020 or 2021 - im also pretty decent at graphics design which you guys will see in main official thread when the first song is ready to go. And again i get help and assets from people when needed.
The cars one is a visualizer for the first song called No More Traffic - which the Lambo vid in op is an early rendering of and its almost done.
Then theres a animated music video for the 2nd or 3rd song called Identity Theft Me. The proof of concept in the op of the other video. Its still early but the storyboard and concept is finalized and the first few scenes.
Then im doing a bunch of simple animations for youtube shorts, ig reels and tiktok uploads for basically almost every song on the album damn near that will come out over multiple months as the main promo and attention.
Blender is for animating and scene set up while Zbrush is for editing and making models.
Blender is free (and professional) while zbrush costs (and is also professional). Blender you can also model in but its way more convoluted and not natural. Its more for animating and renders, but you can make do if you really want. Its just totally not intuitive at all and a big learning curve, which i did learn to a degree of what i basically need right away.
A wealth of knowledge. I appreciate you sharing I might try playing around with it myself
A wealth of knowledge. I appreciate you sharing I might try playing around with it myself
No problem bro! Im always down to share what i know in whatever. I got music down pat for some years now (been doing since i was 14 and made money off it and had a job at a studio before covid) but im still learning in animation even tho i been at it a few years.
A great repository for free models is the website Sketchfab too. There are stuff you can buy but you can also find almost everything in a free versions and its all done by individual creators. Its where i got the parking lot scene from in the lambo vid and then just added the physical light bars and edited the textures to make it more realistic looking and feel.
It has thousands of models, set ups, assets and skyboxes.
So the renders are done for the Visualizer which is a continue of the lambo vid in op. Here's some stills from the video renders that I thought was cool n kinda a vibe:
Its for the first song called No More Traffic, again the preview is in the lambo vid.
Hopefully I wrap it up by the end of the weekend so I can then put full focus on the full blown music video (which the second vid is the preview and test of) for the second song - Identity Theft Me.
Again, the album is called The Future is Forever which is mainly dance and electronic focused with some rnb n hiphop influences, and my artist + producer name is Denzel Waters (Denzel is my actual real life middle name). And thank you to everyone that has shown interest so far.
The visualizer is done π
Give me about 2 weeks or so to finalize everything
The music video starts back in progress this weekend
Song are getting their final master during these 2 weeks too
Its real
had to censor a coverart cuz social media could flag it and streaming services are iffy they accept risque art smh
current rework
im posting this early but f*** its the "behind the scenes" thread anyways n it the change made me a lil tight, for the 2nd sng release
this is still happening, everything just had to be pushed back a month due to family things that were really important
the music animation video scene are all rendered and gonna be edited together this upcoming week
project full release will more than likely be spring instead of this end year now, which spring is my time of the year anyway with fall being #2
im just now back home - will post some cool render stills again if i remember during the week
album cover is fully finished now too. hopefully first song in full more than likely in november
im a #watergiversupporter