😂, you speaking the truth but this forum filled with circle jerkers so you won’t win in here.
Post a fit
story mfg
margiela cons
Bottom half is cool and top half is cool. Don't like them together. Slightly baggier pants and bulkier shoes would suit the top better imo.
Consistent. Need loafers like those. Would like to see you implement some more jewelry into your fits.
Idk if you watch others to much but what make you think Breds make this color scheme you got going together work?
Consistent. Need loafers like those. Would like to see you implement some more jewelry into your fits.
I’ve been thinking about getting some rings for years! I just find it hard to find brands which aren’t super expensive, like I’d preferably start with 100 max, just to try, know any brands?
I’ve been thinking about getting some rings for years! I just find it hard to find brands which aren’t super expensive, like I’d preferably start with 100 max, just to try, know any brands?
Honestly, just go on eBay. You can find some cool stuff for super cheap.
I’ve been thinking about getting some rings for years! I just find it hard to find brands which aren’t super expensive, like I’d preferably start with 100 max, just to try, know any brands?
Go on Etsy, tons of cool silver jewelry for the low