your s*** has been atrocious for 3 pages in a row. please send all yours 1s to someone who can actually rock them smfh this the man cart jacking ppl on snkrs yall
how do i do this s***
still can't stand these shoes
but my man you pulled off a great fit, love it!
your s*** has been atrocious for 3 pages in a row. please send all yours 1s to someone who can actually rock them smfh this the man cart jacking ppl on snkrs yall
your s*** has been atrocious for 3 pages in a row. please send all yours 1s to someone who can actually rock them smfh this the man cart jacking ppl on snkrs yall
your s*** has been atrocious for 3 pages in a row. please send all yours 1s to someone who can actually rock them smfh this the man cart jacking ppl on snkrs yall
no need to be such a d*** lol
your s*** has been atrocious for 3 pages in a row. please send all yours 1s to someone who can actually rock them smfh this the man cart jacking ppl on snkrs yall
your s*** has been atrocious for 3 pages in a row. please send all yours 1s to someone who can actually rock them smfh this the man cart jacking ppl on snkrs yall
your s*** has been atrocious for 3 pages in a row. please send all yours 1s to someone who can actually rock them smfh this the man cart jacking ppl on snkrs yall
Dopey 🙃
DP got that dope!
Can’t tell if I look ridiculous or not
it works
the shoes remind me of aquafresh toothpaste
i know how to embed image now
Not good. Pants don't fit well. Top half + bottom makes your legs look super short. Not a fan of the shirt either. Top half looks type IG explore page.
Flannel kinda ugly. Pants too short. Honestly, you'd have a solid basic fit if the pants were longer and you ditched the flannel. Maybe sized up on the hoodie too
Can’t tell if I look ridiculous or not
you gotta take a better photo than this bro
i know how to embed image now
bigger pants or smaller shirt. maybe tucked in but that would ruin the graphic print on the shirt I think.