@ilovemyjokes where you around for last year's style wars
Only as a lurker lol
Only as a lurker lol
Damn wish you voted in the matches (people really sleep on how important good voting turnout is to the event)
What'd you think of it overall though?
Where's the cardigan in the first fit from?
COS, got it last season
@Vox, not sure how to multi-quote on my phone but re: your question on Style Wars I thought the format worked well and was of course a great source of insprirarion
COS, got it last season
@Vox, not sure how to multi-quote on my phone but re: your question on Style Wars I thought the format worked well and was of course a great source of insprirarion
Multi quote never made it to 2
Love to hear it with regards to SW though 🙏🏾
depending when it is i'm down
I'm just testing the waters right now so there's no date so if we get this going we can pick a date that works best for you and everyone else
This is great to hear though, I should probably make a thread soon to get things more organized
Needles flannel
Stussy x DT
Braids are fire