Was Celine Black Tie lol
Powdery iris, vanilla and some slight woodiness
Fun jeans
Another fit screaming SEX, dude even got it on the back
What are the jeans?
Love that this looks good with and without the jacket open too
all these fits got me taking notes
notice how dude went quiet when it came to post a fit or link?
@XTAL how do you respond?
they could tell me my s*** stage 4 if my doctor walked in this fly i know im saved
Did u end up keeping your atomizer or returned it?
Did u end up keeping your atomizer or returned it?
returned it
Are those leather pants?
Yea they are but i think its pleather lol, i got em at a thrift
Another fit screaming SEX, dude even got it on the back
What are the jeans?
Lolll thanks bro. Jeans from Acne Studios
I never post in here and dont know how to dress that well but I really liked this fit so here we go lol. Try not ruining my sunday evening
jacket fits like a glove bro
jacket fits like a glove bro
Really happy with it
Elevates every outfit I wear