very light but here's what im rocking today
Shoes looking massive for some reason
Shoes looking massive for some reason
size 14 + wallys will do that to ya 💀
size 14 + wallys will do that to ya 💀
Damn. Honestly, might recommend wider pants then. Like 10in+ leg opening.
Something light for the smash bros tournament
Which tournament did you attend?
classic sneaker already
A local at a brewery called hops & stocks
Bet, dont know that one. Did you ever attend a major?
Bet, dont know that one. Did you ever attend a major?
Not yet will probably go to one later this year
F*** with this, will always have love for purp and turq
What are the shoes?
very light but here's what im rocking today
Good looks on pulling up in here for the first time
I'd second that suggestion you got