true i lowkey wanna get some cowboy ass jeans that r tight around the hips n loose around the lower leg. not bell bottoms tho lol. got any recs? doesn't even have to be jeans, I just want to explore different pant styles
vintage levi 527 low bootcuts (not the modern day slim bootcut s***s)
vintage levi 527 low bootcuts (not the modern day slim bootcut s***s)
You got recommendations for brands that do good brand new bootcuts? I’ve been struggling to find vintage Levi’s or wranglers that are black and bootcut in my size. Got plenty of nice blue vintage Levi’s bootcuts but black is harder to find.
You got recommendations for brands that do good brand new bootcuts? I’ve been struggling to find vintage Levi’s or wranglers that are black and bootcut in my size. Got plenty of nice blue vintage Levi’s bootcuts but black is harder to find.
Minutes after making this reply I sniped a beautiful pair of made in USA Levi’s 517s off eBay for cheap af
i been off clothes this year cause a medical emergency put me out for 9 months and made me gain mad weight but here y'all go
hope ur good now g
Minutes after making this reply I sniped a beautiful pair of made in USA Levi’s 517s off eBay for cheap af
What did you drop on them?
Got my jncos in the mail yesterday these b****es are comfy but my wallet is too hard to get
s*** den
Wish I could help with that
S*** cashapp me $20 I'll mail you some art ♥️
Got my jncos in the mail yesterday these b****es are comfy but my wallet is too hard to get
Put it on a strap
Put it on a strap
Oh s*** you mean like a chain lmao that could be hard
Oh s*** you mean like a chain lmao that could be hard
No I would have said chain if I meant chain I meant strap
Hoodie looks so comfy
Thanks some dude gave it to me the other day it has matching pants. He's weird asf he keeps giving me stuff and forgetting to pick me up places cause he likes how I skateboard
Thanks some dude gave it to me the other day it has matching pants. He's weird asf he keeps giving me stuff and forgetting to pick me up places cause he likes how I skateboard the hell lmao
I'll listen to this when I can, it's that guy who's giving you random s***? That's weird but dope lol
What the hell lmao
I'll listen to this when I can, it's that guy who's giving you random s***? That's weird but dope lol
Yea he's chill
What did you drop on them?
$35usd, unfortunately I’m in Canada so shipping to here was nearly the same price
do you know what this colorway is called
It was a collab with Joshua Kissi a while ago I don’t think they make them anymore