Talk s*** post fit
• If you do feel the overwhelming need to talk s*** OR troll, be constructive, you will get ONE warning, then a 48 hour ban.
• Quoting trolls and feeding them, even if you think you're in the right will be treated the same as trolling. You will be given two warnings.
•When quoting fits you find "bad" or you dislike make sure to give them CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Blatant hate, insults and especially cluttering of the thread in excess, will absolutely not be tolerated.
• NO harassments.
•Keep off topic chat to a minimum (complaining, pickups, general fashion talk, MUSIC LINKS, etc).
• No trolling. No Bozos. If you act like a troll or bozo you will be moved to the appropriate thread.
(mods, please remove trolls and bozos)
• Give constructive criticism.
• Do not post fits if you cannot take criticism.
• do not use the n word if you are not black
•It may be helpful to include what items you are wearing.
"im just swaggin and havin fun!"
The only rules are the ones you choose to impose upon yourself. I think 'theory' is a more apt term. Just as you can make beautiful music without understanding music theory you can get a fit off without understanding the 'rules'/theory/basics. Having an understanding of the theory provides a foundation to build off of.
With this in mind, coupled with the fact that many 'rules' of menswear apply to suiting and what colours go together, our contemporary fashion-space is a free-for-all and style is all trial and error.Time is everything. Think about garments like words, and putting together a good fit is like constructing a competent sentence. You can write a sentence that is grammatically fashionable, or you can write a sentence that is purely poetical. Like Leibniz says "In every true universal affirmative proposition the predicate is in the subject, that is, there is a connection between predicate and subject."
In the realm of garments consider the relation not only between the pieces as a subject and a predicate but consider your body as well as a subject to the garments assemblage as the predicate. Once you have found the 'equilibrium' you will understand what the word style means, and that the word style can only mean something for the individual in the absolute sense of the word 'individual'. In conclusion what is meant by saying 'take time' is that it takes time (literally) to find (or acquire) the individual style.
I lost my passion to draw and paint for nearly a decade , even though it was something I did for most of my childhood to adult life . I had lost all meaning in life and gambled with my own health .
One day I met someone who gave me the courage to reclaim that passion for life and now everyday I challenge myself to keep coming up with interesting fits . Lmk if you f*** with what I do and if I should keep it up
he tryna make puma cool