the one with the avi I posted or me
Just like a white person to start something then cry to the police
Do your parents know how much of a low life you are?
I’m on break at work currently getting paid to s***post my man, do you even live on your own? College dorm dont count
Just like a white person to start something then cry to the police
I’m on break at work currently getting paid to s***post my man, do you even live on your own? College dorm dont count
I work also, does s***posting make you feel special?
Damn she another Post Malone huh
No s***. Shouldve been obvious from the get go
Just like a white person to start something then cry to the police
Hilarious, make sure to pop that gigantic, bulbous pimple that’s poking out your arctic, glacier-like skull bro
who did you rlly mean
Fam posters all goat.
Just like a white person to start something then cry to the police
Dudes are posting an underage girl itt getting her toes sucked and you think Im asking for a lock because some splergelords arguing with me? lol!
that's what I like to hear
f*** befly tho
He’s chill at time’s.
He’s chill at time’s.
he got good music taste but the compliments abruptly stop there
Dudes are posting an underage girl itt getting her toes sucked and you think Im asking for a lock because some splergelords arguing with me? lol!
Oh you mean 1 picture that was posted on page 3? That you had no problem with? Shut the f*** up your white ass is actually annoying me
he got good music taste but the compliments abruptly stop there
That’s fair.