that was when everyone was riding Dot's d*** and they gave it to Damn because TPAB deserved it and they f***ed up
The fact still remains
Alright I read through Ike 6 pages of this and I was wrong again.
Please lock this s***.
Maybe we can reasonably compare these two as extremely different, yet both hugely prolific and successful rappers of the 2010s onward one day, after they retire, but it’s clear that stans are NOT having this convo when both are still active
conparing drake & kendrick is ridiculous 2 begin with
Someone heard the stewardess said that your parachute is a latex condom hooked to a dread
Every1 talking about kendrick and drake when the real goats are carti and yeat
You have got to be s***ting me brother
I f*** with drake tho
Scorpion A side was dope as f***
I just don't stan artists and make them my whole personality like you do
Ohhhhh you got me shut yo b**** ass up you dont know s*** about me lbs
just say u don’t listen 2 kendrick & shut the f*** up
this boring s*** does't even touch the weakest song on her loss
thanks alot now i'm sleepy
You have got to be s***ting me brother
Thug and those 2 have evolved hip hop greatly
Someone heard the stewardess said that your parachute is a latex condom hooked to a dread
Lmao I know damn well you don’t want people posting Drake lyrics :
Someone heard the stewardess said that your parachute is a latex condom hooked to a dread
conparing drake & kendrick is ridiculous 2 begin with
I think it’s interesting to a***yze the two, as different as they are, based on the fact that they both rap.
It’s kinda silly to argue over who’s better, since it IS apples and oranges, but I think there is some discussion to be had about their rapping styles, why they both popped around the same time, etc.
They two completely different artist
Can’t even compare, only thing they have in common is that they are some of two of the biggest artists in rap
Instead of enjoying the classic Her Loss, the KTT Drake d***riders still letting Kendrick live rent free 24/7 in their heads.