funny i don’t remember saying that...
when a new progressive person enters the arena and people vote or support then establishment tries its hardest to oust them.
for example, UK 2019 elections...the right wing press went into overdrive to smear one of the least racist people in the country. this has repercussions that those who read these newspapers or whatever else will think differently - this is propaganda.
It's awfully convenient that when people you like get criticized it's the media's fault and could not possibly be based in reality. Progressives run as Democrats right? The Democratic partys main goals this year are win the electoral college and senate map. Maybe experienced and accomplished Democrats don't want their partys image tainted by unrealistic proposals that will quite literally end entire industries (aka take jobs away from most important swing voters in the country) in the most important states in 2020
It's awfully convenient that when people you like get criticized it's the media's fault and could not possibly be based in reality. Progressives run as Democrats right? The Democratic partys main goals this year are win the electoral college and senate map. Maybe experienced and accomplished Democrats don't want their partys image tainted by unrealistic proposals that will quite literally end entire industries (aka take jobs away from most important swing voters in the country) in the most important states in 2020
Nothing unrealistic about policies that economists have costed. Right wing corporate media has told you it won’t work; liberals who claim to support the workers are comfortable with their positions and don’t want change.
These comfortable liberals have shown us time and time again they are prepared to side with the right in order to maintain the status quo; it’s not convenient to blame media it’s fact that media (all owned by few billionaires) shape the minds of people
People though AOC ruined many jobs for people in New York and you know why? Because of media propaganda.
They didn’t tell you that Amazon wanted billions in handouts from the government. Well, guess what? They didn’t get it and they still moved to New York.
just keep this energy with all rich people then, even the rappers we love like hov ye etc
athletes as well
He would not be able to live long enough to witness all that money be spent anyways.
He quite literally has way too much money to live.
If went and spent a million every day for a whole year, he would not come close to wasting 5% of his fortune. If you don't see what's wrong with that, I don't know what to tell you bro.
Paying workers dogshit wages
Paying no taxes
Thousands of your employees are on welfare
Making the American people pay for your employees’ living expenses
Your own employees’ taxes pay for their welfare programs
Getting praised for it all because you’re now the richest person ever
Paying workers dogshit wages
Paying no taxes
Thousands of your employees are on welfare
Making the American people pay for your employees’ living expenses
Your own employees’ taxes pay for their welfare programs
Getting praised for it all because you’re now the richest person ever
just keep this energy with all rich people then, even the rappers we love like hov ye etc
athletes as well
those people have garnered wealth through a much more respectable means (that being working towards where they got)
that being said their means of production still need to be seized and redistributed
Nigga if u can do it better than u do it
You missed the point entirely
There ain't enough food to go around ya big dumb ass
that’s not true. tens of millions of tons of food goes to landfills annually
there is no shortage problem, there’s a distribution of resources problem
Nothing unrealistic about policies that economists have costed. Right wing corporate media has told you it won’t work; liberals who claim to support the workers are comfortable with their positions and don’t want change.
These comfortable liberals have shown us time and time again they are prepared to side with the right in order to maintain the status quo; it’s not convenient to blame media it’s fact that media (all owned by few billionaires) shape the minds of people
People though AOC ruined many jobs for people in New York and you know why? Because of media propaganda.
They didn’t tell you that Amazon wanted billions in handouts from the government. Well, guess what? They didn’t get it and they still moved to New York.
You sound ridiculously out of touch with Democrats in 48 states. This nuance absent bubble you live in is exactly why Trump will win in a landslide if we nominate Bernie or Warren. You obviously have no capacity (or willingness) to appreciate pragmatism or understand macroeconomics and how that affects the us place in the world order
There ain't enough food to go around ya big dumb ass
Actually just America alone produces more food to feed the worlds hungry but we squander it.
Because people are lazy and want to be pampered by society, life isn’t free
A lot of these billionaires worked to get to their position
Unless it was inherited I don’t see why people hate
those people have garnered wealth through a much more respectable means (that being working towards where they got)
that being said their means of production still need to be seized and redistributed
but there’s hundreds of other moving parts and employees outside of the players that are essential to a professional sports game even happening, yet they all get paid a mere fraction of what the players do
i agree that an extreme few hold a dangerous amount of money and power in this world
but yall act like every single rich person is an evil scumbag which is obviously not the case
there’s nuance to these topics that many are too lazy to bother thinking about
You sound ridiculously out of touch with Democrats in 48 states. This nuance absent bubble you live in is exactly why Trump will win in a landslide if we nominate Bernie or Warren. You obviously have no capacity (or willingness) to appreciate pragmatism or understand macroeconomics and how that affects the us place in the world order
So I guess it’s f*** economists then
Warren is a no no.
Who do you think is best