Last night I went out for the 1st time in like a YEAR and HAPPENED to run into 3 different girls I met on other nights out (not a small town or whatever). Then on the transit back there were 2 other strangers that have rode it with me before
Made me think everyone’s on their phones 24/7 and doesn’t realize you’re passing by the same “strangers” everyday. Imagine if we all cared to know eachother like family
Even when ive visited OTHER cities Ive run into the same person multiple times. So weird
Or maybe I’m just the main character
When I commuted with metro I saw the same faces occasionally, one old man I always gave a nod of respect to
Now that I drive to work though I sometimes see the same cars on the highway, there’s a yellow Beetle on my drive back
remember seein this reddit thread like "ppl visiting the us for the first time what surprised u" and everyone was like "the ppl are so friendly" and so recently i just been way more outgoing around strangers. striking up convos at every possible opportunity especially at my local spots where i been going for ages but havent been *out*going yfm? its mad nice. making new friends, getting numbers and compliments, its dope i recommend everyone try it
remember seein this reddit thread like "ppl visiting the us for the first time what surprised u" and everyone was like "the ppl are so friendly" and so recently i just been way more outgoing around strangers. striking up convos at every possible opportunity especially at my local spots where i been going for ages but havent been *out*going yfm? its mad nice. making new friends, getting numbers and compliments, its dope i recommend everyone try it
it’s the matrix
a lotta s*** can come out of breaking barriers definitely. ive been homeless in nyc and offered places to stay etc. just from socializing. can get a lotta things you need from social permutation. I might try to consolidate this topic in a book
I pay extra close attention to people and will sometimes snap photos (volume at max) to ensure that I document them. Sometimes they get extremely hostile or flee but it’s important to capture these things.
it’s the matrix
a lotta s*** can come out of breaking barriers definitely. ive been homeless in nyc and offered places to stay etc. just from socializing. can get a lotta things you need from social permutation. I might try to consolidate this topic in a book
fr ppl always say "its who u know not what u know" but only rly in terms of jobs but its rly that way in basically every aspect of life
I’m very aware of s*** like this
yea this is some op brain on autopilot realization
I pay extra close attention to people and will sometimes snap photos (volume at max) to ensure that I document them. Sometimes they get extremely hostile or flee but it’s important to capture these things.
I pay extra close attention to people and will sometimes snap photos (volume at max) to ensure that I document them. Sometimes they get extremely hostile or flee but it’s important to capture these things.
I pay extra close attention to people and will sometimes snap photos (volume at max) to ensure that I document them. Sometimes they get extremely hostile or flee but it’s important to capture these things.
I do this also! Put their faces through PimEyes and make sure they are not a dangerous person. Can never be to sure nowadays
Passed by these two people in a park close to where I worked at the time. A guy and an older woman, probably his mom. On my way home, I stopped at this spot with food trucks about 30 minutes away from my job. Saw them there again, weirded me tf out. Was definitely them because I noticed one of the guy's tattoos when I passed them in the park
I pay extra close attention to people and will sometimes snap photos (volume at max) to ensure that I document them. Sometimes they get extremely hostile or flee but it’s important to capture these things.
Are you an Uber driver?
I always see a certain neighbor’s car from my apartment complex whenever Im out and about multiple times on the highway. I can recognize the license plate atp
Funny thing is I have no idea who the car belongs to
when I was younger and taking transit all the times, I would always see the same people on my bus/train and it be weird because they would leave their house at the same time as me and come back home at the same time as well (even on a random day off with no schoo/work) it's like we naturally spent the same amount of hours outside before returning home