dude definitely looks like a dork but idc he's wearing a dress
the fit just looks awful lmfao props tho
dude definitely looks like a dork but idc he's wearing a dress
the fit just looks awful lmfao props tho
I feel the same way about it
I'm all for self expression especially through clothing (some of my personal fave clothing items to wear are technically female ones) but I feel like at this point Cudi is just doing it for shock value and attention
If you’re a real Cudi fan how could you not be in favor of Scott doing whatever the absolute f*** he pleases
Bro I'm a Scott Mescudi enjoyer
I couldn't care less about what kind of kinky dark games he likes to play with his wife when his kids are sleeping, none of my business, if the big homie wants a dress give him a dress
I feel the same way about it
I'm all for self expression especially through clothing (some of my personal fave clothing items to wear are technically female ones) but I feel like at this point Cudi is just doing it for shock value and attention
yeah same here
it's just like oh another dress attention grab nice dood
out of all the things to stop being a fan of an artist we drawing the line at a dress? is this the 80s?
@op a breeder who’s gonna get left to the sands of time with no remembrance of his name and impact due to being a bitter SOB and not embracing a future where people can be who they want. Suffer
Nah. All cross dressing aside, his music dipped in quality half a decade ago. PPDS his last great effort
Yeah why wouldn’t we?
yeah same here
it's just like oh another dress attention grab nice dood
I'd actually be impressed if he wore fits like that while chillin in the studio on a casual day
But he only rocks the dress when he pulls up to an event and knows a million cameras will be on him