Op probably the strongest user on KTT.
Im 125 pounds of pure muscle I could take him
You put it inside & it will either fit or not. Unfortunately those are the only holes in the body that you can hear through.
How do you take care of it? Wrestle with those ear muff things like high school greco roman?
Done a lot of BJJ and rarely come across someone with cauliflower ear but you immediately know they're hard as hell
I wish I could quote all the messages here so I could give the same explanation, maybe it should be added as an option
But I do BJJ, Judo and Greco too, the most I’ve gotten my ears swollen from was at BJJ escaping from triangles and guillotines, would get it drained once but not take care about it absolutely like many people would and then came back to training, should’ve been more disciplined
Drain them and get some over the ear headphones
The vessels in the ear break and it floods with blood, once it’s hard you cannot drain it
Get a portable speaker, be obnoxious, better than sticking something in your ear
I doubt people like Johnny cash like that
Have you been sparring?
Since I was 17 without the ear things, 13 I started boxing and greco
Im 125 pounds of pure muscle I could take him
Brother one of the most dangerous fighters in the world is a flyweight, be proud you can move this fast brother Alhamdulillah
Brother one of the most dangerous fighters in the world is a flyweight, be proud you can move this fast brother Alhamdulillah
that’s very kind! Thank you
oh yeah i can already tell you would murder someone with your bare hands with zero effort. salam alaykum brother
That was such an unintentional threatening reply he gave you
That was such an unintentional threatening reply he gave you
bro got me shaking in my boots
There is this awesome new brand with products that cater to people with cauliflower ear , cant remember the name of the website but ive seen their slightly off brand answer to airpods on there , just google “ chiwiwis “ and it should pop up for you . Make sure you spell it exactly like that and click onto the images tab of the google browser when u do .