  • Mar 7, 2022
    1 reply

    yeah my highs been pretty visual after doing shrooms

  • Mar 7, 2022
    1 reply

    Word. Benzo addiction can actually be dangerous and tolerance builds quick, so I'm glad marijuana legalization actually allows me to reduce usage of benzos and also now allows me to get an accurate dosage of thc for anxiety relief instead of relying on the "streets" word.

  • Mar 7, 2022
    1 reply

    Damn bro. Hopefully you can ween yourself off that s***. Long-term use is significantly cautioned against. I only take them as needed anyway. Around 1-2 mg max is all I need. I wouldn't be able to stay awake on a higher dosage, lol.

  • Mar 7, 2022

    I don't feel that psychedelics affected my weed high but I did have a time when smoking weed would give me anxiety ridden highs. This was around age 17.

    I stopped for like 2 years cold turkey. Did it a few times after that very sporadically. It wasn't until 2-3 years ago (mostly due to the pandemic) that I started consuming more regularly. But the highs I have these days are much more enjoyable than the ones I had when I was younger. In between all this I used psychedelics, mostly shrooms.

    I think the biggest change is that I matured more as a person in the time I wasn't smoking and got my s*** together. When I had my s*** together I had less of those anxiety ridden thoughts. Plus I've made it a point to only smoke at night, after I've finished work and all my other obligations.

    My point is I think the anxiety comes from some other aspect of your life that's not being addressed. Once you can overcome that, you might find yourself more comfortable with your subconscious. Although, this is just my experience so take it for what it is.

  • psychs changed weed for me and i still do it

    i’m not tryna quit as much as i am trying to replace smoking with other things and not smoking before i do things like go to sleep, eat dinner, watch a movie, etc

    so i guess casual, idk i don’t see myself quitting quitting until i’m a bit older

  • been smoking since 10th grade

    junior in undergrad rn

    finally learned how to roll like last week

    yk how embarrassing it is when u pull up on shawties and they find out you don’t know how to roll 😐

    esp when they’re not from new york and they looking at u like nigga are you deadass rn ?

    never will forget that feeling in my life

  • nerdy

    smoked a lot in high school, quit for a year, now i use 1:1 thc/cbd stizy

    i need that type of stiizy the f***

  • it’s gonna sound crazy bht it’s easier for me to do something like benzos or opioids casually than it is to smoke casually

    probably more to do with the fact that it’s just hard to get clean stuff without a script

    but idk

  • It's all an escape

  • We bearing this Saturn. We facing reality

  • Mar 8, 2022
    1 reply

    if you can be casual, that's where it's at
    i struggle mad with keeping it casual but feel like I've finally got a lid on it. only smoke like once every 10-14 days or so and i get blasted so it's nice like that
    and i am way more motivated, smashing goals, and far happier when I'm sober most of the time

    Miss the destruction of society thread bro, what happened? That s*** kept me mad entertained during the quarantine

  • Mar 8, 2022

    Currently on a break. I enjoy being high and sober. But I have to force myself to take breaks or I’ll just smoke everyday

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 8, 2022
    1 reply
    RICKY 2320

    Miss the destruction of society thread bro, what happened? That s*** kept me mad entertained during the quarantine

    some mod got all hurt, changed the thread title to "apathy p*** and self fulfilling prophecies itt" before promptly deleting it entirely and then banning me. all in like 5 min

    had to get in touch with Scott to get unbanned smh

    ion know which downy soft mod did it either but they certified b****made

  • Mar 8, 2022
    1 reply

    some mod got all hurt, changed the thread title to "apathy p*** and self fulfilling prophecies itt" before promptly deleting it entirely and then banning me. all in like 5 min

    had to get in touch with Scott to get unbanned smh

    ion know which downy soft mod did it either but they certified b****made

    damn man, f*** that mod

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 8, 2022
    1 reply
    RICKY 2320

    damn man, f*** that mod


    and i ain't just care to make another one since i already had put so much effort into that one lol

  • Mar 8, 2022
    1 reply


    and i ain't just care to make another one since i already had put so much effort into that one lol

    that sucks fr, there’s no way to get it back?

  • Mar 8, 2022

    don't do it daily if you have an addictive personality, it set me back in my life 3-4 years and tbh my mental health still isnt the same as it were before stoner life

  • did it in high school, haven’t since, don’t care for it

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 8, 2022
    1 reply
    RICKY 2320

    that sucks fr, there’s no way to get it back?

    i assumed it was gone forever but i never actually asked
    just posted in help sxn abt it

  • Mar 8, 2022

    i assumed it was gone forever but i never actually asked
    just posted in help sxn abt it

  • Mar 8, 2022

    i'll smoke like once every few years. it's great for like the first 45 minutes and then it's just like man I'm high and do not want to be anymore.

  • Mar 8, 2022

    A little more than nothing special occasions

    Psychs ruined it for me too now i don't really touch either