Whole lotta mid whole lotta mid
Whole lotta mid whole lotta mid
few more weeks and we're out of the dry period fam let us know your favorite album and favorite single of January
this could not be ANY more random, but next selectionnn
Dinosaur Jr guy dropped a new solo album
few more weeks and we're out of the dry period fam let us know your favorite album and favorite single of January
Fav album def Insano no challenge
few more weeks and we're out of the dry period fam let us know your favorite album and favorite single of January
Album: Heylog - eve
One of those anime avatar hyperop albums that is just every genre. Really fun going from scene to distorted electronic with rap influence. These guys always know how to manage quiet/loud. Goes from brittle signing behind rain sfx to DnB on a hair trigger.
Single: Nelward - The Runaround
It's like how Del Shanon could write a tight 1950s/1960s 2 minute pop song with a synth solo. Kitschy new wave pop with a distorted breakdown on the back end.
Album: Heylog - eve
One of those anime avatar hyperop albums that is just every genre. Really fun going from scene to distorted electronic with rap influence. These guys always know how to manage quiet/loud. Goes from brittle signing behind rain sfx to DnB on a hair trigger.
Single: Nelward - The Runaround
It's like how Del Shanon could write a tight 1950s/1960s 2 minute pop song with a synth solo. Kitschy new wave pop with a distorted breakdown on the back end.
how many projects have you listened to for the year so far my guy?
how many projects have you listened to for the year so far my guy?
Front to back? A couple
How many have I skimmed through? More than that
How many have I clicked play on? A million
Front to back? A couple
How many have I skimmed through? More than that
How many have I clicked play on? A million
oh ok got you haha i was like damn it seem like you listen to a LOT
oh ok got you haha i was like damn it seem like you listen to a LOT
Some highlights
Already found a few more today. This sounds amazing (terrible):
Some highlights
Already found a few more today. This sounds amazing (terrible):
why i'm the only other one to reply in there where are the MUSIC listeners
why i'm the only other one to reply in there where are the MUSIC listeners
I listened to the big single from that album btw. Pretty good
why i'm the only other one to reply in there where are the MUSIC listeners
And they listen to Youtube loosies with vids which is fine and also fun
few more weeks and we're out of the dry period fam let us know your favorite album and favorite single of January
Favorite album: Insano - Kid Cudi
Favorite single: Everything’s Beautiful - Hiatius Kaiyote
Favorite album: Insano - Kid Cudi
!https://youtube.com/watch?v=4Pbgm4drkqM&pp=ygUOS2lkIGN1ZGkgbmlrZXM%3DFavorite single: Everything’s Beautiful - Hiatius Kaiyote
!https://youtube.com/watch?v=Bo94w13Hd94&pp=ygUmZXZlcnl0aGluZydzIGJlYXV0aWZ1bCBoaWF0dXMga2FpeW90ZSA%3DKaiyote don't miss
didn't really have a favorite album for January. Enjoyed 21's album but don't think it's something I'll go back to. Nicholas Craven and Boldy James dropped a solid project that still gets played. Wasn't crazy about Kali project but need to relisten. Benny's album was cool too. I'll just name my favorite songs of the month.
Up And Down - Teezo Touchdown
Bang the Bus - Maxo Kream
Brand New Chanel Kicks - Nicholas Craven and Boldy James
Stay With Me Through The Night - Fabiana Palladino
X-Men! - Matt Cleare
Everything's Beautiful - Hiatus Kayote
didn't really have a favorite album for January. Enjoyed 21's album but don't think it's something I'll go back to. Nicholas Craven and Boldy James dropped a solid project that still gets played. Wasn't crazy about Kali project but need to relisten. Benny's album was cool too. I'll just name my favorite songs of the month.
Up And Down - Teezo Touchdown
Bang the Bus - Maxo Kream
Brand New Chanel Kicks - Nicholas Craven and Boldy James
Stay With Me Through The Night - Fabiana Palladino
X-Men! - Matt Cleare
Everything's Beautiful - Hiatus Kayote
my dawg
op updated a lil early with what we got for 2/9 so far...i was tired of looking at that slow ass 2/2 week
i put ¥$ up there FOR NOW...listening party thursday night...don't let us down Ye