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  • Aug 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Kanye West: (01:01:12)
    That was extremely good. That was extremely bad. I’m going to win in 2020. Out.


    And once it happens enough it starts to seem like people "like" a post to signal that they're done with the convo — which used to be done by quoting them with a smiley or something. But the "like" seems so impersonal, like the social media equivalent of "K."

    Ive noticed it after i finally got a Twitter account last year and started having little chats with the several people im closest to on there. Especially whenever you start a conversation where both of you are replying a's like "etiquette" for each person to like every single reply from whoever you talk to

    Even if they keep responding. Why?? Lmao. I can reply to someone with a straightforward question and no jokes, and they like it every time before responding lol. I dont understand

    Wow that thing you said about Twitter is so strange loool

  • Aug 1, 2020
    1 reply

    2024 we gon run the whole election.

  • Aug 1, 2020
    Cash Dodgers

    2024 we gon run the whole election.

    In 94 days

  • Aug 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Yeah rewatched this yesterday

    People really blew this s*** out of proportion but I guess it proves Kanye’s point

  • Aug 1, 2020

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Aug 1, 2020

    Ktt2 got that like system real quick. Mods don't send shooters at my head

    We need a dislike system.

    Been saying this since ktt2 birth

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Aug 1, 2020

    Cant even edit quotes anymore

  • Aug 1, 2020

  • Aug 2, 2020

    As soon as I say Jesus name out loud
    He gave me increase
    He gave me a platform
    He gave me sanity
    He gave me clarity to be able to speak
    not on the word of Yeezus like in a rap
    but on the word of Jesus and community and family.

    Everybody is family
    we all are imperfect human beings
    Jesus loves everyone
    He does not discriminate against anyone

  • Aug 2, 2020
    1 reply

    And it's the worst on instagram because it's literally tied to your appearance, s*** will make you sick for real. It's like a breeding ground for eating disorders.

    nah idk how likes correlating to eating disorders now

  • Aug 2, 2020

    nah idk how likes correlating to eating disorders now

    It's definitely a thing

  • Aug 2, 2020

    I don't want to be reminded of this

  • Aug 2, 2020

  • Aug 2, 2020

    The dopamine rush you experience from getting likes is a real thing and it's potent. People are absolutely controlled by the addictive nature of social media and it impacts their decision making. It also works in reverse to promote depression. He's onto something with that.

  • Aug 2, 2020
    1 reply

    The dopamine rush you experience from getting likes is a real thing and it's potent. People are absolutely controlled by the addictive nature of social media and it impacts their decision making. It also works in reverse to promote depression. He's onto something with that.

    Someone just watched black mirror

  • Aug 2, 2020

    Someone just watched black mirror

    It was a classic back in the day. Haven't watched since season 4

  • Aug 2, 2020

    @MODS move to ye szn please

  • Aug 2, 2020

    This is a revelation from Jesus Christ,
    which God gave him to show his servants the events that must soon take place.
    He sent an angel to present this revelation to his servant John, who faithfully reported everything he saw.
    This is his report of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
    God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church,
    and he blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near.

    the first to rise from the dead,
    and the ruler of all the kings of the world.

    All glory to him who loves us
    and has freed us from our sins

    Don’t be afraid!
    I am the First and the Last.
    I am the living one.
    I died, but look—I am alive forever and ever!
    And I hold the keys of death and the grave.

    I know all the things you do.
    I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance.
    I know you don’t tolerate evil people.
    You have examined the claims of those
    who say they are apostles but are not.
    You have discovered they are liars.
    You have patiently suffered for me without quitting

    To everyone who is victorious
    I will give fruit from the tree of life in the paradise of God.

    But if you remain faithful
    even when facing death,
    I will give you the crown of life.

    I know all the things you do.
    I have seen your love, your faith,
    your service, and your patient endurance.
    And I can see your constant improvement in all these things.

    I will ask nothing more of you
    except that you hold tightly to what you have until I come.
    To all who are victorious, who obey me to the very end,
    To them I will give authority over all the nations.

    They will have the same authority
    I received from my Father,
    and I will also give them the morning star!

    All who are victorious will be clothed in white.
    I will never erase their names from the Book of Life,
    but I will announce before my Father
    and his angels that they are mine.

    Because you have obeyed my command to persevere,
    I will protect you from the great time of testing
    that will come upon the whole world
    to test those who belong to this world.
    I am coming soon.
    Hold on to what you have,
    so that no one will take away your crown.
    All who are victorious will become pillars in the Temple of my God

  • Aug 2, 2020

  • Aug 2, 2020

    The dopamine rush you experience from getting likes is a real thing and it's potent. People are absolutely controlled by the addictive nature of social media and it impacts their decision making. It also works in reverse to promote depression. He's onto something with that.

    Damn. Here's a like

  • Aug 3, 2020

    Yeah rewatched this yesterday

    People really blew this s*** out of proportion but I guess it proves Kanye’s point

  • Aug 3, 2020

  • Aug 3, 2020

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