Why would an alien be ghetto?
Ghetto is the word we use to describe the thing itself. If they exist they def have a different word for it, and if they somehow were technologically capable of coming to earth im sure they have a society with a ghetto in it
The s*** about trump refusing to leave is such fear-mongering bullshit. Dude looks drained and worn out after this year, he’ll probably be relieved if he doesn’t get re-elected.
The s*** about trump refusing to leave is such fear-mongering bullshit. Dude looks drained and worn out after this year, he’ll probably be relieved if he doesn’t get re-elected.
They were saying Bush would declare martial law to not leave office too.
Maybe, but only if this fake political bullshit holds up. To me, I feel like the facade will collapse and people will realize it’s not blue vs red, but it’s rich oppressing the poor. Right now both political parties blame the other for the actions of the mega-rich. It’s brilliant media manipulation on the billionaire’s part. I could see it escalating to dangerous levels, but I doubt it would make it all the way to a civil war in the internet age.
They were saying Bush would declare martial law to not leave office too.
Media loves recycling the same fear-mongering narratives when a republican is in office. Sad thing is a lot of sheep probably buy into it everytime.
Given our current situation, I think there will be some potential unrest.
Let’s say the virus continues to spread and we’re left without sports and school. Jobs will be even worse and Americans will be poor.
If Trump loses, people will be so fed up and refuse change , I could see some Karen’s and Ron’s going full ham and shooting up some CVS.
COVID is a major factor
class war disguised as a race war disguised as a civil war
Can we really separate class and race when one is the offspring of the other ?
If trump lost and didn’t concede unrest would happen that would make the blm protests look like kiddy s***
Queen gon catch covid
They were saying Bush would declare martial law to not leave office too.
Bush was a spectacularly awful president/war criminal, but the difference is he wasn't/isn't a clear-cut narcissistic maniac. Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama were all ultimately garbage, but Trump is on a whole different level of dangerous psychopathy
They were saying Bush would declare martial law to not leave office too.
problem is people read all these books yet cant be bothered to educate themselves about fear mongering in election years
yes, tensions are higher than theyve been in a long long time, but this s*** like the headline in op has been done time after time, you gotta look past it