The same niggas calling this corny were the same niggas defending uzi for that 666 s*** he was doing
Pls tell me you arent this dense
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He doesn’t. It’s just the title of a mixtape series. In his own words, a spin on Devil Wears Prada, Hitler Wears Hermes. That’s it.
I think the line is crossed with the merch. If someone wants to wear a Hitler hoodie, more power to you. Freedom of speech. But why tf would you do that?
westside gunn/griselda fans arent bothered by this and he isnt famous enough to be deplatformed or cancelled so, youre left with no choice but to look past it/personally boycott if you find this too offensive
im a griselda fan and i think its overplayed. i fw it initially but its run its course.
hitler is worse than the devil
im a griselda fan and i think its overplayed. i fw it initially but its run its course.
fair play , what i meant to say was that he's done it for so long now as a fan, you know what youre getting into/shouldnt be shocked or suprised
Pls tell me you arent this dense
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So you support the 666 s***
So you support the 666 s***
The same niggas calling this corny were the same niggas defending uzi for that 666 s*** he was doing
This is not even on no atheist s*** but how have we thrown so much common sense out the door for religion that we equate a guy who literally had millions of people put in camps and killed for their race with a red nigga with horns who merely represents the idea of evil...because they “both represent evil”?
has he ever explained his fascination with hitler at all
Devil wears Prada
Hitler wears hermes
I'm pretty sure if Odd Future did this back in 2012 no one would care at all
because they was 16-21 not pushing 40
Eminem was 30 showing his ass at the mtv awards and was a cultural phenomenon
Eminem was 30 showing his ass at the mtv awards and was a cultural phenomenon
True... even though he lied about his age for the first half of his career.
Early 2000s was peak white edginess so maybe WSG could’ve thrived.
But still the music and era aged bad
The problem with this, it implies that the famine was intentional, like the final solution was with the Nazi regime.
Don't link me to Jeff Bezos' mouth piece, respect my intelligence please.
Funniest thing is this isn’t a song or an album, this is a whole-ass feature film that has to somehow justify this title.
what I'm wondering is what the f*** could possibly be the plot to this film that will somehow relate to the title