Always been a weird aesthetic. Like he explained why he uses Hitler, and it makes some sense. "Devil Wears Prada" so "Hitler Wears Hermes". Cool, I get all that. But naming a whole movie "ADOLF"? Come on now, the shock value of it has definitely been faded and it's just looking like a weird obsession
For the ahrt
I'm pretty sure if Odd Future did this back in 2012 no one would care at all
Bro, literally everyone cared when OF did controversial s***, that’s the whole reason they blew up
Hitler Wears Hermes is a dope saying i can't lie and its cool how he flipped the devil wears prada thing but naming a movie after that man is too far lol
he’s getting a tiny bit of backlash in the quotes but nonetheless its overplayed and he doing too much. i know what Hitler did an yes it was bad but plz stfu let griselda do what they want
man i know what Hitler did an yes it was bad but plz stfu let griselda do what they want
why do you have blindly follow a group of men? are they not worthy or criticism?
why do you have blindly follow a group of men? are they not worthy or criticism?
lol yes but not yours
yu have no say
using your logic i shouldnt critique anything that i dont have control over?
It's his twist on Devil Wears Prada, Hitler Wears Hermes.
! wears Hermes
It’s pretty weird like how he does the same s*** with Chris Benoit.
I think he uses Chris Benoit because he be killing everything. It's like a double entendre it's f***ed up but yeah they do the whole wrestling reference thing too so it fits.
I'm pretty sure if Odd Future did this back in 2012 no one would care at all
Tyler was gonna drop a shirt that had blackface on it but some OF members went off on him publicly and stopped him. I would assume the same would happen if he tried doing some s*** wit hitler.
using your logic i shouldnt critique anything that i dont have control over?
yes he maybe a little but its art relax man
Tyler was gonna drop a shirt that had blackface on it but some OF members went off on him publicly and stopped him. I would assume the same would happen if he tried doing some s*** wit hitler.
uh? he dropped that s*** tf u mean? And I think it had more to do with the stereotypical representation of black people in cartoons than blackface
I get that...but what I’m trying to get at is it must be a big club or famous is it
They’re one of the most successful clubs in Italy, behind AC Milan, Juventus and Internazionale.
It also has a reputation for being a fascist club.
has he ever explained his fascination with hitler at all
yeah in a few interviews
People trying to cancel WSG will never not be funny
wont happen lol f*** them