Y’all just don’t understand the genius of gunn’s “ART”
they did, kinda
Mussolini, italian dictator
it's different though cause they were edgy kids
this is hard
osama ian laden 😈
ong I was that isis flag was cracking me up
Imagine the title’s not even a reference and West is literally producing a Hitler biopic with all actors of color like Hamilton.
Why do so many niggas have some kind of affection to Hitler lmao
He doesn’t. It’s just the title of a mixtape series. In his own words, a spin on Devil Wears Prada, Hitler Wears Hermes. That’s it.
ong I was that isis flag was cracking me up
bro that s*** had me too dead
bro that s*** had me too dead
I thought I was the only one who noticed it
I literally said that I know you can't compare them. I'm just saying people should draw the line earlier. And because Pablo killed thousands in the name of d*** violence and money it's ok to idolize him?
When you sell d**** and shoot niggas yeah
lmao @Zaywop they got yo ass in 4K g
He's trying to do with Hitler what Kanye tried to do with the Confederate flag maybe...?
They gone act stupid and ignore this one though