@keeeeeegan @Alek @grayson @RedPints @Versace_Abdul @osiris @shino our work here is done. We achieved our goal, now we head back to our main forum leakthis. Salute.
leakthis sucks d*** as do you
They are the only reason you are getting the leaks this site so craves lol.
Thanks @S very cool!
They are the only reason you are getting the leaks this site so craves lol.
No, its just where people resell leaks already semi-public.
No, its just where people resell leaks already semi-public.
Not how it works...
Not how it works...
The site was spawned after rapleaks and after DGOQ, it's the same thing just more users now. People still sell s*** idk what you want me to tell you lmao and they're behind on most leaks
@keeeeeegan @Alek @grayson @RedPints @Versace_Abdul @osiris @shino our work here is done. We achieved our goal, now we head back to our main forum leakthis. Salute.
Nah.....we stayin