Rap artists are getting younger n younger I don’t think there’s gonna be much concerts worth going to in about 3-5 I’m not tryna see a 15 yr old perform lies for an hour. Real hip hop been dead since about 2015 n it’s not coming back. I don’t think I’d pay money to see any artist that have come out from 2017- right now or any future artist all their s*** sounds the same. They all have a little sing songy chorus n like 6 lines about “opps” “trapping” “hoes” “pour a 4” or their in a new whip i don’t get how anybody can sit there and listen to release after release of of the same s***ty music from the same poorly created artists it’s just sad af
But i guess to answer the specific question from OP I would say 30 is the cutoff for really thinking about going to concerts or not before that tho you said ur like 20 you have 10 years of great concerts to experience without feeling old or out of place. Go see anyone you want to my guy 👌
This site is weird as hell when it comes to age. Nigga you can keep going concerts as long as you please
If you 20+ it’s fine if you just in the crowd and stuff, but you a pedo if you still doing those moshes and s***
This site is weird as hell when it comes to age. Nigga you can keep going concerts as long as you please
They just young, they’ll realize age doesn’t matter as they get older and more mature.
For mid to late twenties posters on here do u guys go to concerts as much? Do yall still be in the crowd moshing and s***?
Concert going wanna my favorite things and it’ll be sad if i won’t be able to go when im older
Bro my parents r pushing 60 and i would bet go to more concerts than 90% of users here.
Obviously they’re not moshing lol but there’s no age limit at all just do what u want
They just young, they’ll realize age doesn’t matter as they get older and more mature.
It’s cuz a lot of the OGs stayed on KTT1 they didn’t switch over so this whole site has been taken over by 17 yr olds 😩 sad
Turn 27 in december.
Live music will always be the wave.
There’s no age limit on enjoying yourself.
& yes i be dancing/moshing like crazy depening on the genre
Tf typa question is this
I wasnt aware u stop enjoyin music after a certain age
l'll be going to concerts even as an old man
This site is weird as hell when it comes to age. Nigga you can keep going concerts as long as you please
godDAMN people on this site are weird
This site is weird as hell when it comes to age. Nigga you can keep going concerts as long as you please
This site is weird as hell when it comes to age. Nigga you can keep going concerts as long as you please
Not just this site man this whole f***ing generation has this idea that as soon as you reach 25 you’re old or some s***
If you 20+ it’s fine if you just in the crowd and stuff, but you a pedo if you still doing those moshes and s***
What the hell is this how
This site has a weird obsession with age
It’s the bunch of old weirdos trying to relive high school.
another thing that makes KTT indistinguishable from twitter.
let ktt tell it life is over at 34 just die
Half the people here are 15 man they don't know lmao
This site is weird as hell when it comes to age. Nigga you can keep going concerts as long as you please
EVERYONE enjoys live music wtf my mom is 59 going to concerts literally what are you talking about