  • Oct 15, 2021

    I needed this. I hide from my own need for self-assertiveness in this type of way 99% of the time

    Dude, same. I've carried this burden almost my whole life. Didn't realise it until today. Not after today. Praise the Lord!

  • Oct 15, 2021

    When I get L’s on the sneakers and confirmed app

  • Oct 15, 2021

    -Kids are one of the most ignored oppressed groups

  • Oct 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Being black in America
    . Not only being black but my stature,
    the way I walk/talk dress even when I'm looking nice,
    America is hesitant dealing with me.

    I often feel like I'm being watched when I'm in stores because they think I'm going to steal.
    I can tell folks don't respect me or see me as equal because of my demeanor or how I carry myself .

    I'm hyper aware and conscious of this. So it kinda bothers me. But as I get older I'm learning how to not give a f***.

    My life is a classic case of too black for the whites too whites for the black. In a very extreme way tho.

  • My oppression comes from myself ultimately. I don’t have health insurance, rn my car in the shop cause some b**** hit me, I’m bout to be in debt soon cause of the CT I had because of my own paranoia, ultimately the oppressor is me.

  • But in terms of the world being against me, but not in a societal way, allergies are a b****

  • Oct 15, 2021
    Scratchin Mamba

    I never knew how true this sequence was until it was too late

  • Oct 15, 2021

    “3 definitions of Oppression:
    2. Something that oppresses”

  • Oct 15, 2021

    when u need/want something and you have to pay for it but do nt have money

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Oct 15, 2021

    @op you and I know both

  • Oct 15, 2021
    1 reply

    Help me I’m being oppressed because I haven’t went on vacation in a while

  • Oct 15, 2021

    Your boss owns 8 hours of your day

  • Oct 15, 2021
    1 reply

    The fact that paying your credit card balance on time reduces your credit score

    Went from 731 to 711 like what

  • Oct 15, 2021

    Help me I’m being oppressed because I haven’t went on vacation in a while

    Come on, You get what he’s saying


    Being black in America
    . Not only being black but my stature,
    the way I walk/talk dress even when I'm looking nice,
    America is hesitant dealing with me.

    I often feel like I'm being watched when I'm in stores because they think I'm going to steal.
    I can tell folks don't respect me or see me as equal because of my demeanor or how I carry myself .

    I'm hyper aware and conscious of this. So it kinda bothers me. But as I get older I'm learning how to not give a f***.

    My life is a classic case of too black for the whites too whites for the black. In a very extreme way tho.


  • ghosting ®️
    Oct 15, 2021

    @PorkTownMyspace being left off donda

  • Oct 15, 2021
    1 reply

    The fact that paying your credit card balance on time reduces your credit score

    Went from 731 to 711 like what

    Really? Wtf

    I opened up first credit card a few months ago and used it for something small (20-30 bucks) then payed it off and according to capital one credit check my score has gone up 20 points! I’m at like 685 rn

    Did you push your card to the max?

  • ghosting ®️
    Oct 15, 2021
    1 reply
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Really? Wtf

    I opened up first credit card a few months ago and used it for something small (20-30 bucks) then payed it off and according to capital one credit check my score has gone up 20 points! I’m at like 685 rn

    Did you push your card to the max?

    damn I just checked mine for the first time ever and its 746

  • Oct 15, 2021
    1 reply

    damn I just checked mine for the first time ever and its 746

    Damn, share your secret

    I’m tryna get my score up there

    When you go to a score and use your card, do you press the credit or debit button when it ask? Apparently that raises your score too

  • ghosting ®️
    Oct 15, 2021
    1 reply
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Damn, share your secret

    I’m tryna get my score up there

    When you go to a score and use your card, do you press the credit or debit button when it ask? Apparently that raises your score too

    ion rlly kno tbh bro, I had used debit for everything until I turned like 23 now I just use my CC bc its quicker and pay it off every week or so (I don't carry any debt ever p much tho)

  • Oct 15, 2021
    1 reply

    ion rlly kno tbh bro, I had used debit for everything until I turned like 23 now I just use my CC bc its quicker and pay it off every week or so (I don't carry any debt ever p much tho)

    Ah, ima start paying mine off soon as I use it and see what that does. I’ve been waiting for the statement to show up to pay it off but ima see if s*** changes with what you said

  • ghosting ®️
    Oct 15, 2021
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Ah, ima start paying mine off soon as I use it and see what that does. I’ve been waiting for the statement to show up to pay it off but ima see if s*** changes with what you said

    Don't think you have to do it instantly (also could get kinda confusing), but ya I just pay it every once in a while when I check my balance

  • Oct 16, 2021

    We've developed Stockholm syndrome to different false ideals, bad relationships, ineffective habits etc. These things are oppressing us.