Pulp Fiction is not a bad movie, but it's not one of the GOATs and I'd rank a few QT movies above it
Schitt's Creek isn't that funny. Only watched 1 season of Marvelous Mrs Maisel, but I didn't find it funny or enjoyable
Need to give it a rewatch but Severance wasn't all that on my first viewing. Good show but the way people talk about it
Rap is objectively worse than it was 10 years ago, 20 years ago. Mainstream at least
u needa watch Pulp Fiction again bro
Neither one of them are in best cartoon oat convos imo
facts thats Simpsons
facts thats Simpsons
Prime Simpsons is untouchable fr. And as a bonus the simpsons hit and run game for ps2 was crack
facts thats Simpsons
I mean not my cup of tea but its objectively top 2 just due to its influence even though I do think they just benefit a lot from coming earlier and a lot of shows woulda still did a lot of those ideas regardless bc they’re just regular sitcom ideas
Simpsons, Spongebob, Boondocks, and whatever someone wants to place at 4 would be a good Mt rushmore imo
u needa watch Pulp Fiction again bro
Pulp Fiction is 100% an S tier movie im sorry its just too epic
I mean not my cup of tea but its objectively top 2 just due to its influence even though I do think they just benefit a lot from coming earlier and a lot of shows woulda still did a lot of those ideas regardless bc they’re just regular sitcom ideas
Simpsons, Spongebob, Boondocks, and whatever someone wants to place at 4 would be a good Mt rushmore imo
tbh I used to think I overrated it a little just due to nostalgia but I watched hella episodes earlier this year and that s*** fr funny 😭
solid ass top 3 tho... boondocks probably my 2nd fav cartoon
Pulp Fiction is 100% an S tier movie im sorry its just too epic
I started it 2 nights ago p late and I stayed up until like 3am bc I couldnt turn it off lmao
tbh I used to think I overrated it a little just due to nostalgia but I watched hella episodes earlier this year and that s*** fr funny 😭
solid ass top 3 tho... boondocks probably my 2nd fav cartoon
I would put FG in the 4 personally
I know it fell off but season 3-8 of that show was consistent as hell for my personal taste and there are great episodes in the seasons before and even some after
u needa watch Pulp Fiction again bro
Django Unchained, both Kill Bills, Inglourious Basterds >>>
Django Unchained, both Kill Bills, Inglourious Basterds >>>
ehhh pt2 doesn't measure up to pt1
Django Unchained, both Kill Bills, Inglourious Basterds >>>
u dont gotta s*** on pulp fiction to appreciate those bro
Django Unchained, both Kill Bills, Inglourious Basterds >>>
I love all of these but Pulp Fiction #1 fashoski
u dont gotta s*** on pulp fiction to appreciate those bro
Like I said, not a bad movie. But it constantly gets ranked higher than those and is considered one of the best of all time. I don't think it's THAT good
Like I said, not a bad movie. But it constantly gets ranked higher than those and is considered one of the best of all time. I don't think it's THAT good
imagine saying the movie with this line isn't goated
Kill Bill is def one of the best movies ever
I like Jackie Brown more tbh
Kill Bill is def one of the best movies ever
I watched it last year and I was in awe each scene
And mostly the first movie rather than the 2nd
we're in a heyday for many things. music, film, literature, sport, etc. however there is simple so much of everything that it's hard to discover what you will love
I like Jackie Brown more tbh
I think Kill Bill is a lot better than Jackie Brown, basically neck and neck w pulp fiction for me but Jackie Brown is underrated so I respect it
I watched it last year and I was in awe each scene
And mostly the first movie rather than the 2nd
Yeah first is definitely the best
I lowkey treat them as one movie split into two
I watched it last year and I was in awe each scene
And mostly the first movie rather than the 2nd
pretty sure uma was pregnant learning all of those moves too, really impressive
NBA final ratings.
Also they can’t find a face of the league after bron
Inside the NBA crew is over too
Not to mention the NFL has been reality TVing themselves slowly