The Idol was enjoyable
after all these years - this movie is actually very good ( - minus jar jar)
dark maul was great villian
It’s great when you understand the full series.
As a stand alone it’s kinda meh
we won't advance as a society until we start putting more average looking people in movies, tv, and even music, as opposed to extremely good looking people being the norm
Jim Carrey is an actor that appeals to children
Clearly haven’t seen eternal sunshine or the Truman show
i’ll start
never found will ferrell or jack black funny
they’re just loud
Will Ferrell in the ‘00s had some of the best timing
Basketball will become the most popular sport in the us in the next 15 years.
Football (nfl) will lose it’s dominance in the next 10 years in the us
OUATIH is Tarantino’s best
breaking bad is overrated
still good, but not top shows OAT level at ALL
On that note
Better Call Saul is better and its almost not close
Not like Us would have never worked outside the context of beef
What does that even mean
A car wouldn’t drive without energy!