  • Gangy ❤️
    Jul 19, 2024
    2AM in LA

    regular show is the best cartoon of all time


  • Jul 19, 2024
    2AM in LA

    regular show is the best cartoon of all time

    non-MA/R cartoons I could get behind this

  • Jul 19, 2024

    Hot takes =\= saying you dont like somebody lol

  • Jul 19, 2024
    1 reply
    2AM in LA

    regular show is the best cartoon of all time

    ima add this
    adventure time & regular airing at the same time was godsend

  • Jul 19, 2024

    • avocados are overrated. spoils entirely too quick, revolting texture and isn't good on its own.

    • thanos isn't a compelling villain; paper thin motivation, vapid genocidal logic that hardly anyone bothers to challenge him on ideologically and the whole "he was right" narrative is sociopolitical poison. also infinity war > endgame even though neither of them are really any good

    • hulk 2003 is incredibly underrated and underappreciated, even among fans of superhero movies

    • jordan peele's two dimensional character work and tendency to be overt leaves a lot to be desired. however, his conceptual output puts him ahead of peers like eggers and aster who are guilty of the same things if not worse.

    • karate kid remake was more enjoyable than the OG

    • three billboards is one of the worst movies i've ever seen

    • tems is not particularly good at singing. i'm not a purist when it comes to people needing to be amazing vocalists (max b, frank ocean, sza, rihanna, future, etc can all sing engaging melodies without being able to hit the highest notes). however tems has awkward delivery that results in more misses than hits and doesn't know how to use her voice to its utmost potential. her beauty is more remarkable than her music and her sister ayra starr seems more talented by comparison.

    • central cee stays being rewarded for leaning into 'racially ambiguous' blackface when he's really just white mediocrity and there's much better artists coming out of the UK

    • MIKE has remained stagnant as a writer, too much of mach's lyrics boil down to being very entertaining word vomit, earl and his camp are culture vultures

    • astrology is very fun to consider and pull self reflection from. it may very well be a pseudoscience however most reactionary attitudes toward it come from a place of misogyny

    • there's a lack of genuine care among both men and women with regard to male* sexual assault victims. respectively, they're only ever brought up as a talking point or downplayed via comparison.

    • kotor 2 is the best piece of star wars media i've ever come across, movies & all.

    • political discourse is ultimately a fruitless exercise until people are actually ready to begin organizing, striking and redirecting violence toward oppressors en masse. whites will forever be engaged in debate about class theory or the best label for their communist ideology instead of centering race and actualizing praxis outside of orgs that've already been compromised.

    • everyone is racist.

    • nonblacks saying aave is just "gen z slang" is just another disingenuous way of allowing themselves to keep up their blackface online.

    hot take; you had this in the tuck

  • Jul 20, 2024

    there aint no such thing as cancelling. except for rare circumstances, anyone who ever got cancelling bounced back, and even in those circumstances ppl still have supporters so in the end we talk ourselves in circles.

    i think ppl just confuse it w criticism or/and talking abt something bad a celebrity did

  • Jul 20, 2024
    slime wrld

    ima add this
    adventure time & regular airing at the same time was godsend

    That & Steven universe.....cns final peak keeping it a bean

  • Jul 20, 2024

    the 2nd one is infinitely better

    was never a huge fan of the 2nd one except for the first race scene, always loved watching that as a kid

  • Jul 30, 2024
    3 replies

    • College is a scam designed to trap you in debt while making you believe you’re climbing the social ladder. Dropout and start an OnlyFans at least you’ll make real money.
    • Pineapple on pizza is more acceptable than ketchup on a steak.
    • If your dog has an Instagram account, stop. you're not the main character.
    • Star Wars fans arguing over sequels vs. prequels is like arguing over which dumpster fire smells better.
    • Game of Thrones' final season is the TV equivalent of showing up to your own wedding drunk and pantsless. Iconic disaster.
    • Vegans who try to make cauliflower taste like steak should just admit they miss the good stuff and move on.
    • People who think astrology is real need to get a grip. Mercury isn’t in retrograde, your life is just a mess because you make bad choices.
    • People who think they're deep because they watch boring slow arthouse films are worse than people who thought they were deep for watching Rick & Morty or Bojack horseman.
    • If your favorite part of a Marvel movie is the post-credits scene, congratulations, you’ve been conditioned to love ads.
    • Adults who drink milk by itself are a red flag. You’re one step away from being the reason "America’s Most Wanted" gets rebooted.
    • Pumpkin spice lattes are proof that basic people will consume anything if it’s seasonal and Instagrammable.
    • Twitter arguments are the digital version of a monkey throwing poop. No one wins, and everyone ends up looking like an idiot.
    • If you post daily selfies with motivational quotes, just admit you’re fishing for compliments and move on.
    • People who clap when the plane lands should be banned from flying. It’s not a miracle, it’s physics.
    • Beyoncé is overrated. While she’s undeniably talented, the pedestal she’s placed on sometimes overshadows other equally deserving artists (i.e. Adele).
    • Digital books are superior to physical ones.
    • The “no spoilers” culture is excessive. Knowing the plot of a movie or book beforehand doesn't necessarily ruin the experience.
    • Dogs are overrated as pets
    • New Year’s resolutions are pointless. Waiting for a specific date to make a change in your life is an unnecessary delay to improvement.
    • The hype around superfoods is a marketing gimmick. A balanced diet doesn’t need overpriced exotic foods to be healthy.
    • The concept of "self-made" success is a myth. Everyone benefits from various forms of support, be it financial, emotional, or societal.
    • Wearing pajamas in public shouldn’t be frowned upon
    • True crime as entertainment is morally questionable. It often exploits the suffering of victims and their families for profit and amusement.

  • Jul 30, 2024

    • College is a scam designed to trap you in debt while making you believe you’re climbing the social ladder. Dropout and start an OnlyFans at least you’ll make real money.
    • Pineapple on pizza is more acceptable than ketchup on a steak.
    • If your dog has an Instagram account, stop. you're not the main character.
    • Star Wars fans arguing over sequels vs. prequels is like arguing over which dumpster fire smells better.
    • Game of Thrones' final season is the TV equivalent of showing up to your own wedding drunk and pantsless. Iconic disaster.
    • Vegans who try to make cauliflower taste like steak should just admit they miss the good stuff and move on.
    • People who think astrology is real need to get a grip. Mercury isn’t in retrograde, your life is just a mess because you make bad choices.
    • People who think they're deep because they watch boring slow arthouse films are worse than people who thought they were deep for watching Rick & Morty or Bojack horseman.
    • If your favorite part of a Marvel movie is the post-credits scene, congratulations, you’ve been conditioned to love ads.
    • Adults who drink milk by itself are a red flag. You’re one step away from being the reason "America’s Most Wanted" gets rebooted.
    • Pumpkin spice lattes are proof that basic people will consume anything if it’s seasonal and Instagrammable.
    • Twitter arguments are the digital version of a monkey throwing poop. No one wins, and everyone ends up looking like an idiot.
    • If you post daily selfies with motivational quotes, just admit you’re fishing for compliments and move on.
    • People who clap when the plane lands should be banned from flying. It’s not a miracle, it’s physics.
    • Beyoncé is overrated. While she’s undeniably talented, the pedestal she’s placed on sometimes overshadows other equally deserving artists (i.e. Adele).
    • Digital books are superior to physical ones.
    • The “no spoilers” culture is excessive. Knowing the plot of a movie or book beforehand doesn't necessarily ruin the experience.
    • Dogs are overrated as pets
    • New Year’s resolutions are pointless. Waiting for a specific date to make a change in your life is an unnecessary delay to improvement.
    • The hype around superfoods is a marketing gimmick. A balanced diet doesn’t need overpriced exotic foods to be healthy.
    • The concept of "self-made" success is a myth. Everyone benefits from various forms of support, be it financial, emotional, or societal.
    • Wearing pajamas in public shouldn’t be frowned upon
    • True crime as entertainment is morally questionable. It often exploits the suffering of victims and their families for profit and amusement.

    Wearing pajama in public trashy

  • Jul 30, 2024

    • College is a scam designed to trap you in debt while making you believe you’re climbing the social ladder. Dropout and start an OnlyFans at least you’ll make real money.
    • Pineapple on pizza is more acceptable than ketchup on a steak.
    • If your dog has an Instagram account, stop. you're not the main character.
    • Star Wars fans arguing over sequels vs. prequels is like arguing over which dumpster fire smells better.
    • Game of Thrones' final season is the TV equivalent of showing up to your own wedding drunk and pantsless. Iconic disaster.
    • Vegans who try to make cauliflower taste like steak should just admit they miss the good stuff and move on.
    • People who think astrology is real need to get a grip. Mercury isn’t in retrograde, your life is just a mess because you make bad choices.
    • People who think they're deep because they watch boring slow arthouse films are worse than people who thought they were deep for watching Rick & Morty or Bojack horseman.
    • If your favorite part of a Marvel movie is the post-credits scene, congratulations, you’ve been conditioned to love ads.
    • Adults who drink milk by itself are a red flag. You’re one step away from being the reason "America’s Most Wanted" gets rebooted.
    • Pumpkin spice lattes are proof that basic people will consume anything if it’s seasonal and Instagrammable.
    • Twitter arguments are the digital version of a monkey throwing poop. No one wins, and everyone ends up looking like an idiot.
    • If you post daily selfies with motivational quotes, just admit you’re fishing for compliments and move on.
    • People who clap when the plane lands should be banned from flying. It’s not a miracle, it’s physics.
    • Beyoncé is overrated. While she’s undeniably talented, the pedestal she’s placed on sometimes overshadows other equally deserving artists (i.e. Adele).
    • Digital books are superior to physical ones.
    • The “no spoilers” culture is excessive. Knowing the plot of a movie or book beforehand doesn't necessarily ruin the experience.
    • Dogs are overrated as pets
    • New Year’s resolutions are pointless. Waiting for a specific date to make a change in your life is an unnecessary delay to improvement.
    • The hype around superfoods is a marketing gimmick. A balanced diet doesn’t need overpriced exotic foods to be healthy.
    • The concept of "self-made" success is a myth. Everyone benefits from various forms of support, be it financial, emotional, or societal.
    • Wearing pajamas in public shouldn’t be frowned upon
    • True crime as entertainment is morally questionable. It often exploits the suffering of victims and their families for profit and amusement.

    Pineapple on pizza is kinda hard tbh. Sweet and savory a timeless combination. No disrespect to the paisanos

  • Jul 30, 2024

    millenials needs to let go of the pointing spiderman meme

  • Jul 30, 2024

    drake won


  • Jul 30, 2024

    breaking bad is overrated

    still good, but not top shows OAT level at ALL

    Makes me vomit when people compare it to Sopranos and Wire

  • Jul 30, 2024

    channel orange isn't that good (blonde and endless are much better)

    U was like 7 when that album dropped nigga! Thats grown folks music u dont know nothing about channel orange

  • Jul 30, 2024
    2 replies

    -South Park writers are genuinely pretentious and take the moral high horse even though their show taught a lot of american white kids to be racist, dont get me wrong South Park has some classic episodes but I never liked how they acted like they were above other cartoons in their field morally

    -I have never cared about the NFL remotely, even though I live in KC and rhe chiefs have been killing s***

    -I have no interest in super heroes of any kind

    -I do not really care for Future’s music

  • Jul 30, 2024

    channel orange isn't that good (blonde and endless are much better)

    u are dumb and possibly a c***and also wrong. my pop culture hot take yall

  • ghosting ®️
    Jul 30, 2024
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    -South Park writers are genuinely pretentious and take the moral high horse even though their show taught a lot of american white kids to be racist, dont get me wrong South Park has some classic episodes but I never liked how they acted like they were above other cartoons in their field morally

    -I have never cared about the NFL remotely, even though I live in KC and rhe chiefs have been killing s***

    -I have no interest in super heroes of any kind

    -I do not really care for Future’s music

    nfl and future are goated bro...

  • Jul 30, 2024
    1 reply

    nfl and future are goated bro...

  • ghosting ®️
    Jul 30, 2024
    mr get dough


  • Jul 30, 2024
    Smoking Rules

    Kanye’s music isn’t especially interesting and isn’t aging well

    he's also not even responsible for most of it, mike dean was there from the beginning and rhymefest wrote most of jesus walks

  • Jul 30, 2024


    read through this entire thread, was wondering what you thought of this post from @DwindlingSun

    Skimmed through this earlier. For starters, it's hardly surprising Earl and others have distanced themselves from him. Says a ton of dumb s*** on twitter, antivax and antimask. He's aired out Earl a few times randomly in the past too, like calling FoC trash unprompted, and leaked the OG Veins, who knows if Earl was onboard with that or not.
    Some of his complaints are pretty ridiculous. Mad that he sent Earl a lot of beats and Earl only used one. Hardly a unique situation to him as a producer. Not to mention that sending beats doesnt obligate people to using them.
    And a grudge over Earl not using the OG Veins beat because he thinks his was superior. It aint. And in no way should be getting credited or paid for that. The two beats arent anything alike.

  • Jul 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Danny Brown is legit a top 15 dopest rapper ever

    Him, Earl, and Kendrick were my favorite lyrically from the 2010s

  • Jul 30, 2024

    • College is a scam designed to trap you in debt while making you believe you’re climbing the social ladder. Dropout and start an OnlyFans at least you’ll make real money.
    • Pineapple on pizza is more acceptable than ketchup on a steak.
    • If your dog has an Instagram account, stop. you're not the main character.
    • Star Wars fans arguing over sequels vs. prequels is like arguing over which dumpster fire smells better.
    • Game of Thrones' final season is the TV equivalent of showing up to your own wedding drunk and pantsless. Iconic disaster.
    • Vegans who try to make cauliflower taste like steak should just admit they miss the good stuff and move on.
    • People who think astrology is real need to get a grip. Mercury isn’t in retrograde, your life is just a mess because you make bad choices.
    • People who think they're deep because they watch boring slow arthouse films are worse than people who thought they were deep for watching Rick & Morty or Bojack horseman.
    • If your favorite part of a Marvel movie is the post-credits scene, congratulations, you’ve been conditioned to love ads.
    • Adults who drink milk by itself are a red flag. You’re one step away from being the reason "America’s Most Wanted" gets rebooted.
    • Pumpkin spice lattes are proof that basic people will consume anything if it’s seasonal and Instagrammable.
    • Twitter arguments are the digital version of a monkey throwing poop. No one wins, and everyone ends up looking like an idiot.
    • If you post daily selfies with motivational quotes, just admit you’re fishing for compliments and move on.
    • People who clap when the plane lands should be banned from flying. It’s not a miracle, it’s physics.
    • Beyoncé is overrated. While she’s undeniably talented, the pedestal she’s placed on sometimes overshadows other equally deserving artists (i.e. Adele).
    • Digital books are superior to physical ones.
    • The “no spoilers” culture is excessive. Knowing the plot of a movie or book beforehand doesn't necessarily ruin the experience.
    • Dogs are overrated as pets
    • New Year’s resolutions are pointless. Waiting for a specific date to make a change in your life is an unnecessary delay to improvement.
    • The hype around superfoods is a marketing gimmick. A balanced diet doesn’t need overpriced exotic foods to be healthy.
    • The concept of "self-made" success is a myth. Everyone benefits from various forms of support, be it financial, emotional, or societal.
    • Wearing pajamas in public shouldn’t be frowned upon
    • True crime as entertainment is morally questionable. It often exploits the suffering of victims and their families for profit and amusement.

    some good takes. 5, 7, 15 not hot tho
