Talking to coworkers about it, just shootin s***. I said when it comes to the culture war stuff, maybe a 3rd party candidate could get a legitimate shot at office if they have no discernible allegiance.
I dont know too much, and itd probably split the vote, but idk maybe playing outside the dichotomy would be viable now more than ever
The only "Independent" who can pull a significant voter base is Trump if he didn't get the R nomination.
Until ranked choice voting becomes a reality, it will continue to be the lesser of two evils and campaign against your opponent instead of for yourself.
Would never happen. 2 party system reigns supreme. Maybe in an ideal world
edit: nvm i thought you meant win the presidency
Connor Roy
Third party candidate is not a realistic option. The best bet is for someone to run as a Democrat or Republican, but still be revolutionary
I think of media monopoly on 2 party system it won't happen for a long time
In a few decades I don't think mainstream media will exist as it does now. Then a 3rd party is feasible
That they can win? Most people just write them off as a wasted vote.
And independents are weirdos without local networks like the establishment candidates. So most people are right.
Will never happen in an electoral sense except in the case of a massive grassroots movement starting from local elections to eventually culminating in federal wins.
Enjoy the pendulum between two worthless parties until the empire collapses from the inside-out.
Third party candidate is not a realistic option. The best bet is for someone to run as a Democrat or Republican, but still be revolutionary
anyone who gets the party nomination for either parties is going to be vested in fulfilling their party/donor interests. And those donors are never going to support someone revolutionary.
Best you’ll get is fake populists like trump who pretend to be revolutionary, even Obama to an extent.
Third party candidate is not a realistic option. The best bet is for someone to run as a Democrat or Republican, but still be revolutionary
edit: damn this thread is old af my bad
They tried this in bikini bottom until they found out mr krabs was donating to both Larry the Lobster and Plankton too
You’d have to have a candidate with very little controversy, who’s well known, not entirely disliked, & extremely wealthy. Enough to fund their own campaign and not get blown out by the major parties. Of course they’d be able to get major donors as well so they wouldn’t be completely on their own.
Looking at somebody like Bloomberg, who jumped in the democratic primary last minute and surged in the polls with no campaigning at all, while being the absolute antithesis of the DNC, just based solely off the money he was dumping in. It went south for him the second he got on a debate stage, but if you had a well spoken candidate who was able to articulate, had a vision, and could respond to criticisms effectively, they’d have a shot imo.