saturday mad chill for me just doing stuff round the house gonna make breakfast in a minute
tmrw is our weekly pickup at the farm and I'm meeting my best friend to play pool downtown
just gonna read a lot, clean a lot, maybe go grocery shopping idk, very chill tho
awh I'm sorry bro
Putting together a lego millenium falcon I got on clearance at walmart
that's very cool have fun
going to watch scream with my gf
Buying new phone, cleaning, want to go to the beach tomorrow but idk the weather. Today looks like crap tho
nothing special this weekend i avoid St Paddys day crowd at all costs
didn't even think of that
Preparing to start guitar lessons on wednesday
Going out clubbing alone later
my 4th lesson is monday
my 4th lesson is monday
How’s it going so far?
I made it about a year and change of being self taught until now. Intermediate level becomes very grey and ai’ve stagnated over the last few months due to lack of direction
Just chill I guess
Already went out on Thursday and Friday night so I'm good
Preparing to start guitar lessons on wednesday
Going out clubbing alone later
Got some dates with white females scheduled bro?
bouta run