Georgio Armani once said “I love the past but I try not to become a victim of it”
Damn thats a good one
My above average cock
creating each day, certain video game series, and finding demos/unreleased/rare tracks from me fave artists an bands
life too short to get obsessed about s*** that dont matter
people get obsessed over things they’re passion about and they excel in these things whether it be music, sports, art etc
people get obsessed over things they’re passion about and they excel in these things whether it be music, sports, art etc
there's a difference between interest, passion and being obsessed
there's a difference between interest, passion and being obsessed
there’s only a very thin line between passion and obsession.
a lot of the best whatever were obsessed with their craft. sure, they were passionate but their obsession took over and propelled them into the lead.
shape shifting robots, decentralized communities of houseboats in international waters and direct democracy. Oh and FKA Twigs.
I'd rather not describe it as obsession but I talk about oracles and poetry all the time, my favorite subjects, yeah
I do find myself searching academic material about prophetism and apocalyptic literature, as of late.
Veganism, climbing, workers rights, big fat asses, and psychedelics.