Saw these guys at a local music fest a couple weeks back. were the least heavy of the bunch and I think the only non-local band there, idk if a member is from here or what but finally checking out the album
its not bad, looks like theyre blowing up a bit. reminds me of deftones maybe a bit of modern turnstile, not really the type of indie/hardcore crossover I usually listen to. which means theyll probably be huge by the end of the year
this is shoegaze right? Im so s*** at recognizing/labeling shoegaze
this might be a top 3 frank song for me
! an odd song but it grew on me quickly
Such an odd song but it grew on me quickly
something with the song clicked for me idk it’s like triumphant song/mission statement thing when i hear i just think about how i have to turn up and steer it on em