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  • Veggie 💿
    May 21, 2024

    Now that the dust has settled with the beef, what are you hoping to see in their next project. What changes if any?


    For , I think the mob boss talk might have to take a back seat for a season or two, given public perception.

    I’m hoping he takes either a year off or comes back this summer with HNVM2.

    That being said I still think he will be on his confident talk once the current Molly whooping blows over


    Have a new found respect for his pen after this beef.
    I hope, his next album has the same infectious aggressive energy. Although who knows, the opening lines on 6:16 make it seem like he was reluctantly debasing himself by even getting involved


    Not sure what to expect tbh. So much of his resurgence was tied to him being this elder statesman of rap who was willing to go bar for bar with anyone.

    Obviously given how the beef went, people understand why he backed out but idk if those aggressive Muhammad Ali bars are gonna hit moving forward, all things considered

    Do you think he will stay the course or go for a more vulnerable approach?

  • May 21, 2024
    1 reply

    The beef has established there was only ever a big 1, and then there is everybody else.

  • Veggie 💿
    May 21, 2024
    Mr Motion

    The beef has established there was only ever a big 1, and then there is everybody else.

    Kendrick won but I don’t think Cole and Drake are suddenly going to stop selling albums or doing tours.

  • May 21, 2024

    dont really give af about drake atp

    cole will be fine, but he f***ed up his legacy and he will forever have that mark on his career

    i'll join the echo chamber regarding kendrick: non-concept album with him just flexing

  • May 21, 2024

    Drake heroin album
    Cole retirement

  • Don't ever wanna hear any "Best rapper ever, can go toe to toe with any giant" raps from Cole. That chapter is closed.

    Kendrick, maybe jazz drill another time. Just rap your ass off like you've been doing my guy.

    As for Drake, he might have to specify that he checked for Shawty ID on his love songs now for a bit, maybe do away with the Mob boss s***. Summer jams like Passionfruit, honestly nevermind vibes are a good choice.

  • May 21, 2024


    More mature, grown raps/singing over melodic production. Self-introspection being the key, but in a way that isnt defeatist. He’ll have alot to say after the beef, i expect him to continue further down the mafia paranoia raps and trendy beats. But something like a 4:44 but more Drakeish (melodic and catchy) basically


    G-Funk-inspired summer album, sprinkled with some soul sample storytelling tracks. Similiar balance to GKMC and DAMN. i kinda gave up on what to expect or hope from Kendrick cos he always gives me something different that i appreciate all the same

    Ngl, i liked Off Season the most from his recent albums, so just something like that, but even better and more refined

  • May 21, 2024

    Since Cole riding into the sunset all I want another concept song out of him on some Lost Ones vibe.

  • Drake on dog food

  • Veggie 💿
    May 21, 2024

    My b

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