  • Oct 31, 2019

    Jordan Peterson is essential... especially for young men.

    He helped me drastically transform my life. He’s not a masculinity teacher. He’s not an alt-right troll. He’s not a Christian philosopher. He’s not the smartest man in the world...

    But his advice can really help you put your life together... some of it is simple, but some of it is beyond helpful.

    I was 20~ years old when I discovered him, and I’m 24 right now, and I couldn’t even imagine where I’d be without his advice and guidance.


  • Oct 31, 2019

    Ppl that take him seriously are too far gone😑

  • Oct 31, 2019

    lmao god help you if you listen to this man

  • Oct 31, 2019
    2 replies

    The intellectual for idiots

    Dude literally taught at Harvard lmao

    A bunch of false intellectuals in this thread claiming he’s a false intellectual lmao

  • Oct 31, 2019
    1 reply

    Dude literally taught at Harvard lmao

    A bunch of false intellectuals in this thread claiming he’s a false intellectual lmao

    I didn’t say he’s a false intellectual.

  • Oct 31, 2019
    1 reply

    Dude literally taught at Harvard lmao

    A bunch of false intellectuals in this thread claiming he’s a false intellectual lmao

    He taught psychology. He isnt a professor for any of the political or historical bullshit he pushes

  • Oct 31, 2019

    He taught psychology. He isnt a professor for any of the political or historical bullshit he pushes

    He’s a clinical psychologist, and he taught a class at Harvard (and possibly U of T) that went into the historical significance of biblical stories and mythology, his book Maps of Meaning came out 20~ years ago, and it extensively goes over history and religion... and he used that book as a textbook for his class.

  • Oct 31, 2019
    1 reply

    I didn’t say he’s a false intellectual.

    I know, just edited my original thread to include that statement to address others.

  • Oct 31, 2019

    I know, just edited my original thread to include that statement to address others.

    He’s still the intellectual for idiots

  • Oct 31, 2019
    1 reply

    Jordan Peterson is essential... especially for young men.

    He helped me drastically transform my life. He’s not a masculinity teacher. He’s not an alt-right troll. He’s not a Christian philosopher. He’s not the smartest man in the world...

    But his advice can really help you put your life together... some of it is simple, but some of it is beyond helpful.

    I was 20~ years old when I discovered him, and I’m 24 right now, and I couldn’t even imagine where I’d be without his advice and guidance.

    imagine giving another man this much control in your life

    the only advice young men need is M.O.B.

  • Oct 31, 2019

    imagine giving another man this much control in your life

    the only advice young men need is M.O.B.

    Listening to someone who talks extensively about taking responsibility in your life is the opposite of him having control in your life. Literally... the opposite.

  • Oct 31, 2019

    some good, some bad

  • Oct 31, 2019

    well. you know. this is an interesting question

  • Oct 31, 2019

    Should be hung

  • Nov 3, 2019

    he just talks so much s*** that people think it sounds intelligent

  • Nov 3, 2019


  • Nov 3, 2019
    krishna bound

    peterson ultimately means well and is a pseudo-father figure for a lot of people who don't have one. i don't think he's an expert across the board. he's a psychologist whose self help stuff is good (albeit sometimes overrated) for people who need that type of advice, but that's where things kinda end.
    his weird dive into health advice (like the meat diet thing?) and political views are kind of unneeded and a result of him being pushed into the spotlight which inflated his ego imo. his actual psychology stuff i find okay and i don't think he's a bad person. i don't understand people that wish death on him.
    ultimately if he's a pseudo-father figure, you get the same effects as a real father figure; dads don't know everything, but they mean well. they have things they're good at and things they aren't, but both of those are gonna rub off on you either way just by notion of looking up to them. it's just emphasized a lot more because he has a celebrity following as opposed to just being the older dude in your home

  • Nov 3, 2019

    Snake oil salesman

  • Nov 3, 2019

    Just another weirdo do-nothing, next

  • Nov 3, 2019
    Scratchin Mamba


  • Nov 27, 2020

    yo lmao just saw this, gotta bump the thread