There’s a theory that we’re MAX 6 ppl away from anyone we want to meet. EVERY study since has proven this and Facebook actually did a study with their users to conclude it’s even LESS (3.57 people between any 2 people even if they’re across the globe)
For example I can TECHNICALLY ask someone I know to ask their boss to get me a meeting with Obama
I’ll start for anyone reading this, I know a couple crypto millionaires that might help you with venture capital :) Post if you got a business/idea
To help me: I make (produce too) the best music that I’m 100% sure can blow. Needa connect with ppl in the industry if anyone can connect us I promise, the person you know won’t be able to thank you enough in the future I’m 100% sure they’ll say that. Or if anyone can just help me get a place to stay in NYC so I can advance my career
Post what industries you’re in or people you know in general or ways we can help put eachother on
There’s a theory that we’re MAX 6 ppl away from anyone we want to meet. EVERY study since has proven this and Facebook actually did a study with their users to conclude it’s even LESS (3.57 people between any 2 people even if they’re across the globe)
For example I can TECHNICALLY ask someone I know to ask their boss to get me a meeting with Obama
I’ll start for anyone reading this, I know a couple crypto millionaires that might help you with venture capital :) Post if you got a business/idea
To help me: I make (produce too) the best music that I’m 100% sure can blow. Needa connect with ppl in the industry if anyone can connect us I promise, the person you know won’t be able to thank you enough in the future I’m 100% sure they’ll say that. Or if anyone can just help me get a place to stay in NYC so I can advance my career
Post what industries you’re in or people you know in general or ways we can help put eachother on
Where can I listen to your music
David Fincher probably being the biggest one. My roommate was friends with Cory gunz
If it's more than 2 degrees it dont count
i have a tiny industry connect. But they are so low on the totem pole it wouldn’t benefit anyone
Ok so here's my million dollar idea
It's called bootycoin. A crypto based escort service
Where can I listen to your music
I don’t want no one saying I was on KTT but PM me I might make an alt to post it one day
I don’t want no one saying I was on KTT but PM me I might make an alt to post it one day
U need to follow me back
im the guy you reach out to when your music career flops op
My mom's best friend is Raven Symones cousin
I went to church and a hawks game with one of Donald Glover's brothers
24kgolden used to be in my group chat
My mom used to get her nails done with Andre 3000s mom. I'm sure there's more but that's all I know.
Nigga if you don’t get one of them crypto millionaires to fund your music career they gone do more for you with a deep bankroll than a random industry connect
i had a few people that were going to get me a&r positions or a position that would lead me to legit a&r role at major labels or give me the infrastructure to manage artists etc but i really didn’t wanna be in the music industry
I made music with one of the actors from jumanji
My gfs uncle is also friends with Michael Rubin lol
I’ll start for anyone reading this, I know a couple crypto millionaires that might help you with venture capital :) Post if you got a business/idea
Ok so here's my million dollar idea
It's called bootycoin. A crypto based escort service