He’s almost 10 years out his prime and 5 years past his last good album, all his albums since WZRD relied on selling misogynistic merch, a meme cover, and beef with Drake
what do yall think he’ll do this time? It’s a shame future’s cover art goes so crazy and the music is the same old same old
what was the misogynistic merch
We Still Don’t Trust You is HNDRXX on steroids btw
!https://youtube.com/watch?v=Co2CGEtJX3s&pp=ygUSZnV0dXJlIHJpZ2h0IDQgeW91!https://youtube.com/watch?v=jWAXsR9_Gv8&pp=ygUUZnV0dXJlIGFsbCB0byBteXNlbGY%3D!https://youtube.com/watch?v=2NrnbUCY_-M&pp=ygUUZnV0dXJlIGRyaW5rIG4gZGFuY2U%3D!https://youtube.com/watch?v=TorIKcuekoE&pp=ygUPZnV0dXJlIGdyYWNpb3Vz!https://youtube.com/watch?v=VOCVbBVrco0&pp=ygUZZnV0dXJlIGFsd2F5cyBiZSBteSBmYXVsdA%3D%3Di like the more vibey and "experimental" songs a lot on both companion projects
there was actually a difference between mixtape weezy & album weezy
not for future lol
If wayne announced a mixtape Weezy project it would get held to a certain standard lol
OP chatting. Let me see your think piece on one of his “gimmicks.” You know damn well Future minds his business and locks in.
future entire last two albums